Suggest Treatment For Cough With Mucus And Chest Pain
I also am having issues hearing out of my ears it feels like they are clogged which I think is coming from the nasal drip I'm having
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome,
The first thing to sort out is whether your sinus symptoms (and resulting cough and ear symptoms) are from an infection or allergies.
If you are not having discolored sputum during the day (i.e. not just when you wake up) and if there is any fever, then you may have a bacterial infection in which case an antibiotic may help.
Otherwise, here are some suggestions:
1. A nasal steroid spray such as Flonase which you can buy over the counter (no prescription). It can take several days of daily use to start to help. Nasal corticosteroid sprays help stabilize the sinus mucosa so that it isn't as inflamed and reactive.
2. A good decongestant such as pseudoephedrine. This is sold on request by asking the pharmacist. It doesn't require a prescription, but it is not sold on the regular shelves due to risk of illicit drug dealers cooking it. Decongestants narrow the blood vessels that are swollen and leaky. It can help the post nasal drip and the ear symptoms that come from drainage down your throat. The main problem with decongestants is that they can be stimulating, so if that is something you experience with it, don't take it near bed time.
3. If the mucus you cough up is thick and hard to get up, consider taking guaifenesin such as the product Mucinex. Guaifenesin, taken with a lot of water (such as 2 glasses) helps thin the secretions so they can be coughed up more easily.
4. Do you have allergies? Weed pollens are high right now. If that applies to you, consider taking an antihistamine such as Zyrtec (generic is cetirizine). It lasts 24 hours. It is not stimulating. For some people, it can be somewhat sedating, but Zyrtec is not as sedating as Benadryl. Clothes the window in your bedroom at night, and change clothes when you come in from being outside to decrease pollen exposure.
5. You may have strained a muscle from all the coughing. Consider asking your doctor for a codeine cough suppressant. This is by prescription only. Note that if you take one, it may contain guaifenesin too, so don't take the additional guaifenesin in Mucinex if that is the case.
I hope this information helps.
Minimizing pet allergens.
Detailed Answer:
I have allergies too, including to pet animals. Keep the bunny out of your bedroom, and dust and vacuum (or have someone else dust/vacuum) at least once a week. Don't hold the bunny while wearing your bed clothes. The reason I am suggesting minimizing the dander in your sleep environment is because you are probably in your bedroom for 8 hours, so keeping that environment free of allergenic exposures is important.
If your immune system is unable to make peace with the bunny, you may need to find him or her a new home unfortunately.