Suggest Treatment For Cyst On The Ovaries
I am 36 year old and had c section delivery in 2014 and have polycystic ovaries
Now I got my follicular monitoring two weeks back and my ultrasound report was normal
Today I had ultrasound and it is showing cyst in my both ovaries and also hydrosalpinx in my left side
Is it possible I can get inflammation of tubes or hydrosalpinx in two weeks
Can it be a cyst only
Possibility of cyst is less likely.
Detailed Answer:
Hi, welcome to healthcaremagic.
I think, if the hydrosalpinx is small in size, it can be missed on ultrasound. So, if you had a small hydrosalpinx 2 weeks earlier, it might have got missed. After 2 weeks, when fluid collection increased in size, it got detected.
Possibility of cyst is less likely because ultrasound is accurate in detecting hydrosalpinx to a great extent. Hydrosalpinx presents as a retort shaped, elongated fluid filled structure beside the uterus.
But to confirm it, you have to undergo a laparoscopy. Also, it can be seen on HSG.
Discuss with your doctor regarding these options.
Take antibiotics like ofloxacin and ornidazole combination for 10 to 14 days because it happens as a sequelae of pelvic inflammatory disease.
Hope I have answered your question. If you have any other query, I will be happy to help.
Also I am attaching my report
But can antibiotic cure this ?
Is it curable at this stage or not
Antibiotics can't cure this.
Detailed Answer:
Hi, I think antibiotics will prevent or treat any current pelvic infection. It can't cure the damage already done.
Generally , hydrosalpinx means tubes are already damaged or inflamed. It can't be reversed. It is recommended to drain the fluid by salpingostomy or removing the adhesion around the tube on laparoscopy.
The fluid in the hydrosalpinx is embryotoxic. So, it can result in miscarriages. So, it is better to remove the fluid.
Hope it helps. Please attach reports.
I don't have chlalamydia or anything ?
It can be due to chlamydia or gonorrhea.
Detailed Answer:
Hi, I think this is mainly a sequel to the pelvic inflammatory disease caused by chlamydia or gonorrhea infection. It can also be due to genital tuberculosis.
Sometimes, the infection is obscure or the symptoms like pain in lower abdomen or discharge per vagina might not have been too severe to bother you.
The symptoms might have resolved but infection persisted and got spread to the tubes.
Thus, it is not necessary that you test positive for these infections.
Hope it helps.