Suggest Treatment For Dark Under Eye Circles
could you please suggest remedies to reduce them?
details below
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us.
There could be various causes for dark circles
1) pigmentation due to haem or its components
2) thin skin leading to visibility of veins underneath
3)tear trough or depression beneath eyes imparting a dark shadow
4)frequent rubbing of eyes, anemia, stress, inadequate sleep, too much visual strain in the form of excessive laptop use or tv watching,smoking etc.
So treatment depends upon the cause
Lifestyle modification- proper sleep, diet and adequate hydration. Avoid too much visual strain.
Take oral vitamin c and e supplement like capsule cute e daily
Use a good sunscreen
Use pigmentation reducing creams meant for eye like radant I twice in a day
Take argnine or glycolic acid peels weekly.
Correct any underlying disorder like anemia or thyroid ds.
Sometimes dark circles could be genetic in such cases not muchresponse is seen.
Hope this helped