Suggest Treatment For Dark Veins On The Arm
This can be inflammation of lymphatics
Detailed Answer:
Dear D,
Thank you very much for your query on
Our body has three main kinds of canals - arteries, which take blood from the heart to the different parts of the body, veins, which return the same blood back to the heart after the oxygen has been used by the body and carbondioxide and other impurities added back, and LYMPHATICS, which carry what is known as "lymph", a whitish liquid that also circulates inside all of us. Lymph is a special liquid that is made by our lymph glands and helps keep our body immune against infection, cancer and other foreign insults.
The kind of vessels that you are speaking of are possibly either veins or lymphatics. While veins usually become large when they are inflamed or when their channels get blocked, lymphatics become visible as you have pointed out, and without much swelling. Check your son's armpits to see if there are large lymph glands that you can feel there. If the lymphatics are the culprit, there should be glands in the armpit, and these should hurt when pressed. There may also be associated fever.
Blockage of the drainage channels of both veins and lymphatics may also cause a similar picture. Hence, my advice to you at this point is to first take him to his primary paediatrician. If an early appointment is not available, you could take him to the ER of your nearby hospital and get him checked. Both kinds of inflammation or blockage need fairly urgent attention, so please do it within the next 24 hours.
Do revert to me with your son's progress.
Praying for his quick recovery,
Dr. Taher