Suggest Treatment For Deviation In Nasal Septum, Cold, Sneezes And Slight Irritation
Severe DNS requires surgical treatment
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing in to us.
I have read through your query in detail.
It will help to see how severe is the deviation of nasal septum. Patients like your husband are first put on medications like nasal drops and tablets for some months and only if there is no relief should surgery be considered. The medications should be tried for at least 6 months.
The nasal septum can be corrected surgically and this is called spetoplasty. If there is severe deviation of nasal septum then the results of surgery will be more beneficial. The severity of nasal septum deviation can be known by doing a CT scan of PNS (paranasal air sinuses).
If his nasal septum deviation is mild and the main problem is in the sinuses itself and due to allergies of the lining mucosa of nose and sinuses then surgery will be of little help.
The above points need to be discussed with your ENT surgeon and then you might take a more informed decision on whether surgery is to be done.
Hope this answers your question. Please feel free to correct any oversight in my interpretation of your problems and discuss them in detail as per your requirements.
Hope your query is answered.
Do write back if you have any doubts.