Suggest Treatment For Diarrhea In A Child
5 ml of zinconia syrup once a day for this age
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Most common cause of loose motion in this age is some viral infection or following introduction of new food item.
The main aim of management is to prevent dehydration by frequent breast feed and by giving ORS/other fluids.It may take 7-10 days for the stool pattern to get normal.Green color of stool is mainly due to rapid intestinal motility.Due to increased motility the pigment bilverdin(which is green)gets less time to get converted to stercobilinogen(responsible for normal yellow color of stool).
Giving zinc supplementation and probiotic helps in early recovery.The dose of zinc is 20 mg/day.Each 5 ml of zinconia contains 20 mg of zinc.So 5 ml of zinconia per day for 10-14 days would be appropriate fo this age.
I won't get worried if baby is active,accepting feeds well and passing frequent urine.
A stool test may be needed if the condition persists for more than 10 days to check any abnormality if it is there.
I hope this helps.
Please let me know if you have any more query.