Suggest Treatment For Dry Eyes
Sudden onset of dry eye with associated hashimotos disease.
Detailed Answer:
Sudden onset of dry eye. You are suffering from hashimotos disease which is a autoimmune disease. It is related to hypothyroidism or hypothyroid disease. Thyroid function test should be done and with report consult endocrinologist. You have not given history of refractive status and use of contact lens. No indication of your habit and use of computer or laptop with duration. To test production of tear and should have done strip test. My question is related to dry eye since prolong use of contact lens can cause corneal erosion and still continued results in dry eye. Computer vision syndrome definitely give rise to dry eye. Lack of blinking prevents spread of tear over cornea resulting in dry eye. So it is advised not to have prolonged use of computer and to take break in between and look out side. Use artificial tears in between.
Optometrist is not a doctor so his or her recommendation cannot be authenticated. In your case occlusion of nasal lacrimal duct can be done so that tear is retained in sac preventing dry eye. So you are requested to give complete related history. Considering your age menopause symptom and related diminution so all secretion is ruled out.This is a hormonal cause, so occlusion of duct by surgical procedure or otherwise can be suggested. Out of all drops I will suggest refresh eye tear eye drop which is from alovera is natural and has no-bad effect and suits better. Second opinion for autoimmune disorder and dry eye is to be taken. Sudden-onset indicates allergy manifestation but you do not have history of itching. History of drugs containing atropine or homatropine or similar constituent should be considered and computer vision syndrome and prolonged use of contact lens are important associated factors, you have to clarify in your history.
Get back to me for further queries.
Thank you.
The clarify on the eye itching this has only occurred since the dry eyes started not before.
dry eye and refractive error for myopia and use of contact lens.
Detailed Answer:
you have asked me about refractive status and not refractive surgery.
What is your vision? Is it 6/6 both eyes or otherwise.
It is necessary to rule out myopia. Implanon for birth control is not related to dry eye. Itching in inner corner means angular conjunctivitis which is generally allergic. what about strip test? In one way itching and allergic manifestation is present may be for short time. As you are using computer it might have small effect. You can use anti glare specs or anti glare screen can be fixed in your computer screen. So most effective action of occlusion of nasolacrimal duct for retention of tear in eye sacks stands good. You have not mentioned name of the tear drop( if at all) you are using.
I used windex multi surface cleaner to clean my car a few days before my dry eyes started. The air conditioning was on and some mist got into my eyes. I blinked and then was so fine and had to vision changes. Could this possibly have caused my dry eyes?
car cleaner fell in to eye, should have been cleaned by fresh water.
Detailed Answer:
You should have cleaned it in fresh water immaterially. It can cause dry eye. Continue applying Refresh tear eye drop. Can apply Cromal eye drop.