Suggest Treatment For Dry Heaving, Stomach Pain And Night Sweats
Needs work up and supportive care
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking
I read your question and i understand your concern. Dry heaving / nausea and stomach pain and heavy night sweats at night are very generalised symptoms and could happen in thousands of cases . There is a long list of medicines, hormonal conditions, environmental causes, infectious causes, psychological causes and malignant causes that can present with night sweats.
As far as stomach pain with nausea is concerned. that could be connected with sweats or may be a separate entity. Symptomatic relief with some pepto and stomach motility enhancing medications like metoclopramide or antivert for a while and consult doctor and let them run some labs and take a detailed history and physical examination to narrow the list of possibilities.
I hope it helps. Take good care of yourself and dont forget to close the discussion please.