Suggest Treatment For Epididymitis And Pelvic Floor Injury
By the way Im not sexully active Thanks
Hot Seitz bath will be helpful
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Welcome to Healthcaremagic
Greetings of the day
Dear Sir
Pain in the perineum and genital is likely to be due to Pelvic muscle spasm . If the following criteria are fulfilled there is no cause for concern
1. No staining while passing urine
2. Urinary stream is good
3. No difficulty in passing Urine
4. Normal scan of KUB and testis (except for evidence of Epididyorchitis )
5. No previous history of trauma
I would suggest you the following
1. Hot Seitz bath : To a tub of lukewarm water add 2 spoons of antiseptic solution. Sit in it for 15 to 20 minutes each session twice a day. The warmthnes of water will relax the muscle and relieve pain
2. Antispasmodic like Cyclopam will help
3. Anti inflammatory drug like Ibuprofen will be helpful.
4. Scrotal support : Wearing the right size underwear will provide support for testis
5. Urine routine and microscopic examination
6. Ultrasound scan of abdomen and testis
Do get back to me if you need any further assistance, will be glad to assist you.
Take care
Best regards
Dr Deepak Kaltari
Consultant Surgeon
Clinical photograph will be helpful
Detailed Answer:
Dear Sir
Do send me clinical photograph for further evaluation. Exact diagnosis will be possible on clinical examination.
Take Care
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Dear Sir
You can send the picture by
1. Uploading it in upload report available on the website
Or alternatively
2. Mail to YYYY@YYYY
subject line being " Attention Dr Deepak Kaltari "
Take care
Best regards
Dr Deepak
Lesion is due to fungal infection
Detailed Answer:
Dear Sir
Thanks for providing clinical picture. The lesion is due to Balanoposthitis secondary to fungal infection. I would suggest you the following
1. Wash the area thrice a day with soap and water.
2. Keep area clean and dry
3. Local application of combination of steroid and anti-fungal ointment which is available as over the counter drug , applied twice a day for 2 weeks will be helpful
Take Care
Best Regards
Dr Deepak
Take care
Detailed Answer:
Dear Sir
Wishing you and your family a very happy and healthy life.
Take care
Best regards
Dr Deepak