Suggest Treatment For Fatigue, Weakness And Tingling On Face
it all begins with me 2 years ago...
it begins with tender places on my back of skull and face tingling
after 1 week i finished a treadmill average speed training for only half an hour, after stoping my hearts pound and my pressure decreased alot and i cant move untill i got alot of salt with water, after this accident i felt very fatigued and i couldnt sleep for days as i was very tired even to breath and open my eyes unable to do any physical job, pain in all my body, pounding heart for any physical activity, i did all the tests of blood including thiroyd test and heart & kidneys ct scan and brain mri, everything was in normal range then one dr gave me arcalion 200 and multivitamines also beta lock zok50 to control blood pressure, also i took lexotanil. after abt 1 month i get better and i started to be able to concentrate in work without being fatigued just to concentrate on my job,
after 2 months i tried to do sport also slow treadmill excercise for 30 minutes while iam walking there is no problem but after stoping (gradually) i feel dizziness and something squeezing on sides of my head and i feel jaw
weakness then i started to have great fatigue and i have to return to arcalion & vitamins i know its bad but i skipped working out because of the pain and great fatigue i feel as i couldnt do my job which needs focus as iam commercial manager for a big company now after 2 years,
without doing physical activity i felt now pain in both sides of my head i can't focus also little hard to move i feel like blood pounding on sides of my head and infront of my ear and pain in all the body do you think its chronic fatigue syndrom, or something with the brain i did the mri 2 years ago, must i do it again with another lab
my blood pressure is steady at 12/8 and i always check it and its the same
my weight 105 kg
my height 172 cm
i want alot to restart walking and excersising but always ends with fatigue
also the new pressure in head and blood pounding on sides of my head
i feel most of time when i stand or sit but i feel better when i lay my head on the pillow
also i want to tell you that after i stop excercise (after 30 minutes of walking with speed 4) i feel the following:
first step: weakness in jaws & pressure in head and front of ears.
2d step: great fatigue and weakness
then fatigue will last for days, untill i have to take the arcalion and the multivitamin for 2 weeks untill i feel better
p.s. usually when I drink 2 glasses of wiskey the pain is releifed and I can sleep better
p.s. iam thalassemia carrier only
p.s. I don’t have depression as iam always optemestic but I think a lot and can’t stop my self from thinking
do you think its brain problem or sychological problem?
very appreciate if u can help me as iam very tired of this situation
Chronic fatigue syndrome vis a vis fibromyalgia .
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for your query. I can understand your concerns.
It seems that you have fibromyalgia (tender places on back of skull/ Occiput:
suboccipital muscle insertions) and associated neuro-psychological symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.
Following investigations may help to exclude other diagnoses or comorbid conditions.
C-reactive protein (CRP)
Antinuclear antibody (ANA)
Anti-SSA (anti–Sjögren’s syndrome A) and anti-SSB
Rheumatoid factor and anti–cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP)
Creatine phosphokinase (CPK)
Sulbutiamine (Arcalion) ,a synthetic derivative of thiamine (vitamin B1) is commonly prescribed for asthenia ,though its clinical efficacy is uncertain.
You can rather continue beta lock zok 50 mg retard tablet to control BP ,as it will also relieve anxiety ( blood pounding on sides of head and in front of ear etc)
You can also test for serum 25(OH) Vitamin D level to exclude any deficiency to cause musculo-skeletal symptoms.
Multivitamin-multi mineral tablets can be continued to replenish any deficiency of vitamins and micro-nutrients.
You can go for repeat MRI Brain for your satisfaction but not for any advanced imaging (MRI).
Dr. T.K. Biswas M.D. XXXXXXX