Suggest Treatment For Fungal Infection On Hips While On Itraconazole
Long duration of antifungals will work.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to health care magic.I can understand your concern.
Fungal infection is quite common now days and very challenging for dermatologist to trat because of drug resistance.
Most of dermatologist now use itraconazole either in 200 or 400mg.However you should use it for longer peroids.
I usually prescribe 200 mg for 14 days and taper to 100 mg for next 2 to 3 months.This along with antifungal soap and powders work best.
If you have taken course of itraconazole terbinafine in double dose(250 mg twice daily fro 7 days) and tapper accordingly is another good option.All these require long term management and i will advise you to take treatment under the guidance of a dermatologist.
Avoid jeans as far as possible.Do not apply steroid creams for faster results.I hope this will help you.In case of any concern i will be happy to help you.Take care.
topical antifungals.
Detailed Answer:
Hello,Thanks for following up.
If you do not want oral medication then you can go for topical antifungals.
Luliconazole is a new antifungal and it has quite good results. It is available on prescription. Lulifin is the brand which is prescribed by many dermatologists. You can ask your dermatologist for this topical drug. Apply it twice daily for 2 to 3 weeks.
I hope this will help you. Take care.
Detailed Answer:
Terbinafine is a good oral antifungal.Zimig is the brand with good results.