Suggest Treatment For Hanging Head Syndrome
Either by surjury or medication or exercise, I've tried p therapy for 2.5 months and I'm being treated by Emory hospital !! They are sending me back to a neurologist!!!!!!!
Hanging Head or Dropped Head syndrome Treatment
Detailed Answer:
And so you come with a challenging question...mainly because it would appear that you've been through what is considered the "standard of care" for this problem...PHYSICAL THERAPY. Not only that I surmise you've already been seen by a neurologist for this problem and perhaps they sent you to therapy, right? But that didn't help much (or at all) and so now it's back to the neurologist.
Let me ask this, however, I must know whether you were exhaustively worked up by the neurologist the first time around to make sure that there couldn't possibly be an EXPLANATION to what was going on? Is it definitely DROPPED HEAD or could it possibly be weakness in the neck extensors that has a cause that just hasn't been elucidated yet? Have they ruled out kyphosis? Have they ruled out metabolic disease as well as inflammatory conditions that can be related to this presentation?
Can you tell me the extent of both laboratory and diagnostic testing that has been done through Emory as well as anywhere else? What sorts of medications (specifically for this condition?) including OTC's are you or were on? Have you had an EMG/NCV (electrical study of the neck?)
Have you been tried on steroids if the thinking is you have an inflammatory condition of the neck extensor muscles? How about a neck collar?
Surgery is not something I would recommend unless orthopedically you absolutely require a neck fusion for some OTHER reason. Then, there may be a chance that the fusion (usually a large territory segmental procedure) can be used, however, results have never been terribly successful from either surgical procedures or using a XXXXXXX Collar to keep the chin off the chest and prevent the neck from its turning.
Please take a good look at this web site:
A lot of good stuff in the article.
Sending you BACK to the neurologist to me almost sounds as if he really work you up completely or for neuromuscular conditions and that requires other workups. So I would expect an EMG/NCV, perhaps even a biopsy of the neck extensor muscle group....or not....I would try avoiding the biopsy unless there is simply nothing else to do to make the diagnosis.
All of this is to be kept on a formal PAIN DIARY. If you can do one online and upload it to me on this network...that's fine....If we can get you to keep really diligent notes then, we will have a pretty good idea of at least the most important and most debilitating symptoms and problems.
Please direct more comments or inquiries to me in the future at:
I would be honored to answer you quickly and comprehensively.
Please keep me informed as to the outcome of your situation.
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