Suggest Treatment For Headache, Stress On Eyes And CVS
I regularly get headache/stress on eyes because of constant look at computer screen due to my software development work.
I have just recently checked my eye-sight at sankara eye hospital, Kundanhalli and it looks good as per the doctor.
They give me eye drops (name: Refresh tears) for computer dryness syndrome, I feel better only for few movements, but still face headache, stress on eyes.
Sometimes I don't even able to look at the computer screen for a while, although the screen brightness is normal, as per the environment outside.
Kindly suggest medication if any required for the same.
Thank you in advance. Have a great day.
This is computer vision syndrome.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Health care Magic
I am Dr. Dadapeer K, an ophthalmologist and I will be answering your question.
I reviewed your history.
The presence of headache, stress.... on constantly working with computer is called as computer vision syndrome.
This is rightly diagnosed by your doctor at sankara eye hospital.
This occurs because of dryness and because of constant near work resulting in fatigue of the muscles of the eye resulting in symptoms of headache, stress on the eyes.
The Prevention of dryness is mainly by the use of artificial tears eye drops like Refresh tears eye drops as advised by your doctor. But these eye drops will not be able to treat the acute episode of stress and headaches.
Hence along with the use of artificial tears you need to eye relaxing exercises.
I will tell you about few basic exercises like
Pen exercise, that is watching the pen tip while bringing it near from a arms distance
Along with this you need to follow few steps to prevent computer vision syndrome like
Avoid continuous use of computer by taking frequent breaks as you are doing now
Use antiglare coated glasses to prevent stress and strain on the eye
Avoid concurrent use of fan or air conditioner as these may further increase the dryness of the eyes
Avoid exposure to smoke, dust, wind and driving a two wheeler especially without helmet or cooling glasses
wash your eyes atleast twice a day with normal water
Along with Refesh tears eye drops you can use a gel in the night like Lacrigel and this will prevent dryness and help to improve your condition. Refresh tears eye drops needs to be used more frequently initially like one drop every 2 hours and once the condition responds slowly it can be reduced.
Hope this answers your question and the information is helpful to you.
Thank you
With regards