Suggest Treatment For Headaches, Dizziness And Loss Of Peripheral Vision
Possibility of stroke or migraine with visual aura
Detailed Answer:
Hello XXXX,
i have gone through your question and understand your concerns.
Headache with dizziness, tingling in arm with loss of vision peripherally and sudden in onset must be evaluated for stroke.
It is advisable to consult a doctor preferably neurologist for evaluation as soon as possible .
Thrombolysis therapy in case of ischemic stroke is given within 4.5 hour of onset.
You can take aspirin in case of ischemic stroke which can be confirmed only by neuroimaging.
Second possibility of migraine with visual aura can present in same fashion.BUt if you have any doubt better consult a doctor as soon as possible.
Hope you found the answer helpful.
Dr Neeraj Kumar