Suggest Treatment For Hydrocele
Out of two testicles left one looks very bigger than right one. Is there any problem? Will it leads to any sexual oriented problems. But i am not feeling any fever or anything. Please advise me in my query.
Likely to have Hydrocele .Needs to investigate
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query,based on the facts that you have posted it appears that your Left testicle is larger than the Right one .The swelling of the testicle without pain and fever could be mostly due to either Varicocele or Hydrocele which needs to be confirmed by clinical examination and certain tests as detailed below
Consult qualified General surgeon or Urologist for clinical examination and get following basic test done to confirm the diagnosis .
1) Urine routine and urine culture
2) Ultrasound Scanning of Scrotum
3) Color Doppler study of Scrotum .
Further treatment will depend upon result of these tests and final diagnosis.
Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions ,I shall be happy to help you
Thanks and Regards.
If you delay surgery Hydrocele will increase in size
Detailed Answer:
Hello Thanks for follow up .
Delaying surgery will increase in size of the Hydrocele ,
The surgery will not affect your sexual potency neither it will create any problem in preforming sex or size of the penis etc .
Thanks and Regards.