Suggest Treatment For Increased Baby Movements During 28 Weeks Of Pregnancy
My wife 28th week pregnancy, now days she feels irritation on her scene and she is not able to sleep full night, she said because of baby movement she is not able to sleep well. Please guide us madam,
Please tail us what kind of food need to preferable now a days.
Thanking you madam, waiting for your reply.
Precautions advised
Detailed Answer:
Hello Sir, it is common to have increased baby movements in 3rd trimester from 28-34 weeks of gestation as baby tries to fit in the most comfortable and best position which then continues till delivery.
The movements are more after meals and thus ask her to avoid heavy meals and instead take light meals at frequent intervals.
Take a note of the following points -
- ask her to have a good rest with no exertion at all
- avoid intercourse
- take ample amount of water
- ask her to take good amount of milk and green leafy vegetables
- almonds and walnuts are very good and should be taken on daily basis
- avoid any kind of stress
- keep taking all the medicines as prescribed daily without a miss.
- give her sprouts, soyabean and fresh fruits daily
- jaggery is a good source of iron and thus can be taken on regular basis.
Also ask her to sleep in lateral position and not straight on back which will help in delivering better amount of blood to the baby.
All the best.