Suggest Treatment For Infertility
We need your your suggestion on visiting the Gynecologic doctor suggestions.
FYI : My Age is 31 and my wife age is 32.
Dont worry..
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing..
I understand your concern..
Have you been trying for pregnancy only since 6 months? How frequently do you have intercourse? Is your wife's period regular? Does she have any other disease? Do you have any sexual problems or early ejaculation etc?
Only after 1 year of unprotected intercourse she dont get pregnant, it is called infertility. Since she is already 32, I think there is no need to delay pregnancy. She can visit a gynaecologist and get a routine blood test and a scan done. You also have to get some routine blood tests and semen analysis. Blood tests is to know all blood parameters are normal..
If everything is normal, she can take an ovulation induction drug from 2nd day of period for 5 days and follow up with follicular study on alternate days from day 10 till follicle size reaches 20mm. It is the time of ovulation. Either you can get a hcg inj or try for spontaneous ovulation in the first cycle to have a timed intercourse. Take duphaston in the second half post ovulation for 10 days. When you stop either you get pregnant or will get periods in a week. This can be tried for 6 months along with IUI.
Hope I have answered your queries.Feel free to ask any queries.. Good day.