Suggest Treatment For Intestinal Gas, Bloating And Excessive Burping
follow the advises.. maintain a healthy lifestyle..
Detailed Answer:
Hello XXXX, Welcome to HCM,
I've gone through your query and understand your concern,
All those symptoms do appear due to acid-peptic disease (gastric problems), you need to start taking a PPI medication (antacid) i.e. Cap PANTOPRAZOLE/DOMPERIDONE (40/30)mg , Once daily in empty stomach (15-20 min before breakfast), continue it for at least next 15 days and observe how you stay..
Please stay well hydrated by drinking a lot of water (it's extremely important to avoid the hard consistency of the stool), have plenty of fresh fruits, and include fresh green leafy vegetables and salads in your daily diet.
Medicine alone won't be sufficient to resolve the gas problems, please avoid junk/ deep fried/ spicy foods for the time being..have simple home cooked meals.. avoid soda/smoking/alcohol (if you do)..
Eat small frequent meals instead of large portion meals, try to chew the foods properly, do not eat in a hurry, also try not to talk during eating, start practicing to take your dinner 2-2.5 hrs prior to your bedtime..
Start taking Yogurt and curd on daily basis, they are in fact rich in healthy bacteria for your gut functioning..avoid milk in direct form..also avoid certain foods which predispose to excessive gas formation (i.e. Cabbage, cauliflower , turnips, radish etc.).. Avoid fizzy carbonated beverages..take fresh fruits instead of packaged fruit juices..
Follow all these, and let me know how you stay in the due course..
Take Care
Kind Regards