Suggest Treatment For Irregular Heartbeats
likey benign
Detailed Answer:
Hi friend
Welcome to Health Care Magic
A beat comes earlier than normal – this itself is not usually felt. The next beat is a bit delayed - longer time to recover from early extra beat – so heart fills more and the beat appears forcible – thud / lubb - - dubb - - lubb - - dubb - lub - - - DUBB /
Feeling of ‘dropping- skipping- missed- hard- fluttering-’ beat is called ECTOPIC or premature beats / palpitation and so on. Dysrhythmia (Arrhythmia is commonly used) is the name…
The first step is to see a Cardiologist… Irregular heartbeats need to be DOCUMENTED by ElectroCardioGram (EKG). Standard ECG records the electrical activity of the heart, for a few seconds. It can detect the arrhythmia occurring during that time only. If the episode occurs randomly or is precipitated by a specific activity like exercise - one needs Holter or event monitor. Holter records for days; Event Monitor for weeks… Holter records continuously; Event Monitor only at certain times
Anaemia / Anxiety / Alcohol / Tobacco (smoking) / Caffeine (too much tea, coffee, cola) / Fever / Infection / Pain / Stress / Thyroid / and so on - may be responsible.... At times, abnormal nerve paths in the heart (bypass tracts) or disease of the conduction system may be responsible!
Many cases of palpitation are benign, especially when associated with normal ECHO and may not require treatment, If you also have symptoms like blurred vision, dizziness, loss of consciousness, shortness of breath, chest pain along with this, you need further work up
B-12 and D-3 can easily be corrected by supplements… Cholesterol can be controlled by life style changes like diet and exercise; a drug like statin may be added, if still high… Your doctor will give appropriate prescription.
Stick to one system of medicine only…to avoid drug interaction and other issues.
If you wish to continue with Allopathy, stepping up the dose of metoprolol can help for the beats…
Your doctor can tailor the dose depending on heart rate and BP
Good luck
God bless you