Suggest Treatment For Irregular Menstrual Cycle
PCOD, hypothyroidism or hyper prolactinemia.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query to HCM,
If you have been using contraceptive pills since last 6 months then menses should have been regular each month but if you have used it earlier and then post that till date again the menses have become irregular, then you need to get a hormonal profile done with serum testosterone, serum estradiol, FSH, LH , DHEAS, 17 OHP levels with serum fasting insulin levels to check for PCOD.
Also, important would be get a thyroid profile done to rule out hypothyroidism and also serum prolactin levels to rule out hyperprolactinemia.
These are the most likely causes of regular menses.
Please furnish your menstrual details and days of bleeding of last 3 cycles.
When did you have oc pills last?
Also attach your last ultrasound pelvis reports for review.