Suggest Treatment For Loose Stool And Vomiting In A Child
Observe the baby and his stool
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking on this platform
I can understand your concern.
Transient change in frquency,consistency,color and smell of stool is common in this age.
Acidic smell of stool is due to byproduct of digestion (lactose gets fermented and causes acidic smell).
In most of the babies it usually improves within few days.
I won't get worried for mild change in consistency and acidic smell of stool if baby is active, playful, accepting feeds well, passing urine and there is no abdominal distension.
I suggest you to observe the stool and general condition of baby.If you notice that this problem persists for longer duration (more than 3-4 days)or any abnormal finding get him evaluated by a pediatrician(stool test may be needed to see undigested lactose).
I hope this helps.
Please let me know if you have any more query.