Suggest Treatment For Lower Back Pain
Warfarin2.5 MG. And a statin. Pravastatin Sodium. 80MG tab.
Is there a problem taking Glucosamine 1500mg. And chondroitin.1200mg for his joint pain?
Cortisone shot did not help alleviate the pain.
warfarin known for interaction with glucosamine so avoid, consult heart doc
Detailed Answer:
I studied that warfarin may interact with glucosamine and chondroitin and case reports are there for bleeding, bruising when high doses were taken with warfarin, so you may avoid it and talk with your doctor for change to safer anti-inflammatories.
acetaminophen,diclofenac may be considered by your doctor if he agrees.Also consult a spine/orthopedic surgeon for back issues who may examine and diagnose the cause and treat accordingly.Self medication with glucosamine and choindrotin with heart condition is risky and needs monitoring of blood levels of warfarin with high dose of glucosamine.Even smaller doses require recautions and monitoring so it will be safer to avoid altogether.You ay speak to your heart doctor also
best wishes,
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Thankyou. You are always welcome.