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Suggest Treatment For Lower Back Pain

Posted on Wed, 16 Apr 2014
Question: I have pain in low back for almost one year now. Following is the details: CASE TAKING / RECEIVING FORMAT (This is only a frame work to help you to develop your case. You can expand your case to any extent. But try to help the physician to understand your genetic dispositions, individuality and constitution in the physical and mental plain. ) I PRELIMINARY DATA 1. Name :XXXX 2. Age :42 Years, 11 months 3. Sex :Male 4. Occupation: Working as HR professional with XXXXXXX 5. Financial Status: Good 6. Social status: Good 7. Religion: Hindu 8. Address: C-306, Mahaveer Regal Apartment, Seetharampalya Main Rd. Hoodie, Bangalore 9. Contact no: 0000 10. Email address: YYYY@YYYY 11. Mother tongue: Hindi II PRESENTING /CHIEF COMPLAINTS 1. Since when the complaints started: June2013 2. Onset sudden or gradual : Sudden 3. Pain –its duration, how long it remains, how it comes and goes, its character, its extension: Moderate/bearable pain is always there, do not find myself flexible to bend down, when I lift heavy objects pain increases 4. Side of affection - Left or Right, from left to right or from right to left, upper left and lower right or upper right and lower left: Left side of lower back goes down to the left thumb of the foot. 5. Aggravating or ameliorating factors or conditions: Aggravates if I lift heavy objects 6. Supportive investigations and reports, diagnosis, findings…:Did not go for any X ray or allopathic diagnosis 7. Speed of development of disease - slow or fast: Slow 8. Probable or final diagnosis : I think is low back pain , due to lifestyle I work for 8 to 10 hours sitting on chair and using laptop, also drive car 2.5 hours daily. III ASSOCIATED COMPLAINTS / OTHER DISEASES: NIL 1. Since when the complaints started: 2. Onset sudden or gradual : 3. Pain –its duration, how long it remains, how it comes and goes, its character, its extension: 4. Side of affection - Left or Right, from left to right or from right to left, upper left and lower right or upper right and lower left 5. Aggravating or ameliorating factors or conditions 6. Supportive investigations and reports, diagnosis, findings… 7. Speed of development of disease - slow or fast 8. Probable or final diagnosis IV PAST HISTORY ( MAJOR ILLNESSES / SURGERIES / ACCIDENTS) IN THE PAST 1. Never well since like vaccination, pneumonia, typhoid, malaria etc. : No 2. Any suppressive treatment like ointments for skin, laser therapy for stones, corrective surgery for eye etc.: No 3. Emotions that precipitate the disease every time: No emotions, its physical whenever I lift heavy objects or bend down it aggravates 4. Emotional conflict happened just prior to the onset of disease that remain unresolved: Nothing, I think it’s the lifestyle where I am working sitting on chair and no physical movements 5. How from lower layers of tissues the disease shifted to more important and higher layers of tissues 6. Chronological journey of disease- how you started with first sickness, next what happened , then what etc. till you developed the present state of illness. V FAMILY HISTORY / HEREDITARY DISEASE TENDENCIES/GENETIC DISEASES ETC. IN THE FAMILY 1. Father : NIL 2. Mother: Hypertension 3. Paternal Grand Father: NIL 4. Paternal Grand Mother:: NIL 5. Siblings, in order: Hypertension 6. Paternal uncles and aunts: Hypertension, Cardiac 7. Maternal uncles and aunts: Hypertension, Diabetic VI GYNAECOLOGICAL / OBSTETRICAL HISTORY (FEMALES ONLY): Not Applicable 1. Menses in detail 2. Complaints before, during and after menses 3. Menarche (onset) age, early, late etc. 4. Menopause (stoppage ) normal, early, late, complaints during. 5. Children born, living, dead. 6. Abortions, Miscarriages, delivery normal or surgical VII DRUG / TREATMENT HISTORY 1. Any medication, Allopathic, Ayurvedic or Homoeopatic: No just apply Ortho Oil Homoeopathic and taking Amlopres 5 tab for blood pressure 2. Allergic sensitivity to any drug: No 3. Over use or abuse of drugs: No 4. Any affection / side effects of taking drugs: To the best of my knowledge nil. VIII INVESTIGATION REPORTS / RESULTS (ATTACH RELEVANT REPORTS) 1. General health: Fit 2. Presenting complaints IX PATIENT AS A PERSON / PHYSICAL / GENERAL 1. Appearance: built, structure, height, weight, complexion, face, skin, warts, moles, discolouration, pigmentation etc. : 5’6”, 72 Kg, Wheatish towards white complexion, medium built, 2. Speed: of talking, eating, working, walking, Normal speed of taking, little fast when eating and working , normal speed for walking 3. Thermals: Sensitivity to cold or heat, can tolerate heat or cold better, need or fan / ac, need of warm clothes, covers uncovers during sleep, takes warm or cold bath…: I can tolerate heat and cold. Temperature upto 10 deg C I can bear without wollen clothes and comfortable upto 1 deg C with wollens. I can bear temperatues upto 38 deg C without A/C, have comfortably adapted to temp upto 48 dec c without A/c. I generally take bath with lukewarm water all through the year. 4. Appetite: normal, increased or decreased, peculiarities in eating habits, veg/non-ves, desires, cravings and aversions, aggravation and ameliorations, intolerances and ailments from particular tastes and items of food, prefer cold, warm or hot food, :Appetite is normal. I am a non vegetarian and take non veg foods 3-4 meals in a week. I no craving, do not tend to over eat, have no intolerance or aliment or allergy from any food. I like to try different cuisine. I prefer eating food at room temperature, 5. Thirst: quantity of water drinking in a day, thirsty during night, drinks by habit or by feeling thirsty, during meals only or drinks in between, throat and mouth getting dry, cold or room temperature, warm or hot water, fruit juices, other drinks: I drink around two litres of water in a day. I drink water at room temperature given a choice I like drinking cold water all through the year. I tend to drink two glass of water during the meals. I usually do not feel thirsty during the nights. I have no craving/liking for juices or soft drinks 6. Stool: habits, frequency, difficulties, any complaints before, during, and after. : I go for stool every morning after waking up, its comfortable and I have no difficulty in passing the stool. 7. Urine: any difficulty, any complaint: No difficulty in passing urine. 8. Sleep: sound/ disturbed, deep comatose or catnap- alert, easily waking, restless, tossing about in bed, position in sleep, salivation during etc.: I tend to have 6 to 7 hours of sound sleep every night. Once I hit the bed I get sleep almost instantly, I tend to sleep in one position ( usually sideways on my left side) do not toss around the bed. . No salivation etc. during sleep. Off late I have started snoring. 9. Dreams: good/ bad, frightful, repetitive, related to family, work, death, dead bodies, accidents etc. : I do not get dreams about accidents, injuries, dead bodies etc. Usually the dreams are around future usually good, nothing frightful/bad. 10. Side: which side is predominantly or frequently affected, : No particular side. 11. Sensitivities: to sun, noise, light, tight clothing, touch, strong or perfume smell, rain, cloudy weather, winds, moon phases etc., how affected and how much… 12. Senses: vision, smell hearing, touch, taste, extra sensory perception etc. . Good sense of vision, smell, hearing and taste. At times on certain situations I feel that this incident has happened with me earlier. 13. Habits: smoking, drinking, chewing etc. : I do not smoke. Or chew tobacco. . I like alcoholic drinks and I am a social drinker, tend to drink 270 ml of alcohol in a week ( spread over three days) X PATIENT AS A PERSON/ MIND/ LIFE SITUATION 1. Family, single, married, staying together, multiple partners, staying with whom, joint family, nuclear family, mutual relationships etc. : Married staying with wife (housewife 39 years, medically fit ) and two kids daughter 12 years old and son 6 years old. Ours is a nuclear family. My parents have passed away and wife’s father has passed away. Her mother visits us once a year for couple of months. 2. Job, salary, working conditions, job satisfaction, work site conflicts, : Job is good, salary is good and competitive, work conditions are good it’s a high growth company hence the work load is high, satisfied with job, no work site conflicts. 3. Education, diligence for gathering or updating knowledge, eligibility or qualified for the job, laziness to study or to exert mentally, : I have the relevant education/knowledge/skills/capability/competence and experience for the job I am doing. I am open for learning and keep learning through reading, observing and from my mistakes. 4. Expressive or non expressive, extrovert or introvert, vivacious or quiet, loquacious or silent, loud talker, sweet talker, self praise, open hearted, foolish talking, lewd or talking about sex, expansive, changing subjects, talking about money, health, religion, talking to himself, jesting etc. : I am an extrovert, though non expressive about self, a good listener, not a loud speaker, do not brag or self praise, open minded and open hearted, ready to help others, do not speak/encourage open/lewd taking on sex, money, property wealth etc. People in general like taking to me, 5. Communicative, easily starting conversation, easily mixing with strangers, sharing feelings with others, prefers to be in company or solitude: I can start conversation at ease with anyone, no problem in mixing with strangers. 6. Intellect: studied by self, or pushed by others, how handles work, intellectually sharp or slow, concentration and comprehension easy, reading desires, idiocy or childishness, making mistakes while talking and writing, good and quick or bad and slow in making decisions, indecisive or yielding to the opinion of others, etc.: I studied by self, was not forced by parents for study. I am a fast learner, I learn from my mistakes and not repeat them. Quick on making decisions. 7. Diligence or non diligence, regular or not in going to school, work , office etc. : Diligent and regular for going to work and past to school. 8. Morals: respecting rules and morality, sensitive to values: Yes I respect the rules, morality and sensitive to others. 9. Will: good and confident in handling responsibilities alone and in critical situations, or wanting support always, reacting or supporting injustice, strong or weak willed, confident or timid, dependant or courageous, optimistic, persevering and positive or pessimis, bashful or embarrassment.: People call me responsible, strong hearted, supportive, dependent, optimist and high on energy and positive attitude. 10. Memory: good or bad, recollecting events of the past, remembering numbers and names, active or weak , any forgetfulness…: I have a sound memory can re-call incidents about by early childhood with ease. Good in remembering names. Was good in remembering numbers but the smartphones has made be weak on this aspect. 11. Nature or disposition: angry or mild, yielding or haughty, weeping, sarcastic, contemptuous, apprehensive, fearful , contented or discontented , quarrelsome, fighter, revolting or indifferent etc. . : I am generally happy go lucky, contended, composed. 12. Emotions: when getting angry how reacts, anger expressed or suppressed, expressed even to elders, keep thinking about the issue for long or can forget or forgive easily, sentimental or sensitive, sympathetic to the point of forgetting one’s own needs, involved in XXXXXXX or social service, grieved, affectionate, jealousy, rage etc : I don’t loose my cool, when I get angry I express the same but get over shortly. I am forgiving and don’t take matters to hearts. I admit mistakes and tender apologies. Associated with some amount of XXXXXXX and social work. 13. Sensitivity: to behaviour of others, rudeness, criticism, reproach, contradiction of others, relationship, social position, success or failure, money, admonition, ego, appreciation, injustice, to the surroundings, cleanliness mania, nature, animals, music, religion etc. Sensitive towards others, family and friends .Not rude and never criticize 14. Anxiety about conscience, health, children, family, future, salvation, about trifles, for others, apprehension, anticipation, punctuality, Nil, Generally I am calm, believe in take it easy as it comes. 15. Attachment: to career, position, family, friends, name and fame, money, . I am attached to family , their growth well being, safety and security. 16. Consolation desires, ameliorates, aggravates, appreciation craves, . I don’t have any latent desires, just want to earn enough for a secured life for self and family. 17. Fears: any fixed fear: Does not have any fixed fear. Not very adventurous though. XI N.B: You can expand the case to any extent for making the physician understand your life situations and your genetic and constitutional reactions to them so that the physician can very easily understand your individualistic and characteristic features, both physical and mental and thus arrive at your curative remedy, the SIMILIMUM.
Answered by Dr. C. J. Varghese (1 hour later)
Brief Answer: Hello XXXXXXX Thank You for the mail. Detailed Answer: Hello XXXXXXX I went through your case in detail and selected the following key points about your constitution: (Physical and mental) Left sided affection Back ache aggravation lifting Diligent Communicative Confident Positive Strong will Love for family Benevolent From this, my selected remedy for you is Sulphur. Get 1 dose of Sulphur 1000 and take it immediately after waking in the morning. Wait for a month and if you are not feeling better, get back to me again with more details. I will retake your case. Please do not take any other drug. My advice is to stop the drug for Hypertension also. My remedy will cure YOU and so will cure your Hypertension also. The present drug, you are taking now, will not cure but will only control. That will be damaging in the long run. Alcohol makes more damages to your brains than the smart phone. If not better , just recollect and inform what exactly happened in your psychic level just prior to the development of your pain in the back. Try to find out a psychic, unexpected, shocking conflict after which you lost your sleep, spent few days in active conflict phase etc. Your explanation of long sitting at work with lap top etc is not the cause. They were there for several years. Why then since XXXXXXX 2013? With best wishes for a rapid and permanent cure for your low backache with Homoeopathy, Dr. C. J. Varghese Homoeopath.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Yogesh D
Follow up: Dr. C. J. Varghese (2 days later)
Dear Dr. XXXXXXX Thanks for your advice. Please guide me where to buy the medicine, also is this medicine in liquid form (mother tinture) or dissolved in sugar tablets. You say that this medicine will also help cure Blood pressure, so I should stop my medication for BP. I am not able to re-call what happened at psychic level in XXXXXXX 2013, all I did not had any loss of sleep or conflict phase. What i can re-call is that I lifted large grocery bag from my car to my third floor apartment as lift was not working and next day morning I had shooting low back pain and could not walk, this pain subsided in 2 days after applying pain relievers and rest and could drive and get back to work.. Awaiting your reply. Thanks and regards. XXXX
Answered by Dr. C. J. Varghese (8 hours later)
Brief Answer: I have finalized the remedy for you Detailed Answer: Hello XXXXXXX For time being, we will not proceed with the hunting of the psychic conflict because, I have finalized the remedy based on your constitutional individualistic features. Now we will wait for one month and then you may again contact me showing the percentage of improvement etc. You may please search for an outlet of selling Homoeopathic medicines in Bangalore. You will get it in powder form. The single powder is to be taken in empty stomach and take food after one hour preferably. If in liquid form, get only the minimum quantity and you need to take only one drop in water as one dose. Yes, I repeat, you need not take anti hypertensive drugs. Get the BP checked after one month and let me know that also next time. You may also check BP after stopping the drug for one week because that is your real BP. Homoeopathic remedy, which we call Genetic constitutional Similimum will take care of your health and then there is no need of treating your backache, BP etc separately. With Best Wishes again, Dr C. J. Varghese Homoeopath.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Shanthi.E
Follow up: Dr. C. J. Varghese (11 hours later)
Thanks Dr. XXXXXXX I will buy the medicine tomorrow and will start taking one dose every morning after waking up. I will give you the feedback after a month. Thanks a lot for your advice. XXXX
Answered by Dr. C. J. Varghese (15 hours later)
Brief Answer: Hello XXXXXXX Thank you . Detailed Answer: Hello XXXXXXX You are mistaken. I did not advise you to take 30 doses (one dose every morning ). I asked you to take only one dose and wait thereafter for one month. You may take this prescription as strange, finding it difficult to believe that a single powder will make a change in your health. For time being please understand that your deviation in health is not measured as milli or centi grams, meters, or litters. It is a dynamic problem and so our medicine also is dynamized, potentised and the one dose of 1000th potency can make changes. Just take one dose and forget about any other treatment for one month. Let me know the improvement after about one month. With Best Wishes again, Dr. C. J. Varghese Homoeopath
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Vinay Bhardwaj
Follow up: Dr. C. J. Varghese (25 hours later)
Thanks a lot for clarification Doctor. I will take the single dose and touch base with you after a month. Excited .. Have a great weekend. Warm regards. XXXX
Answered by Dr. C. J. Varghese (1 hour later)
Brief Answer: Hello XXXXXXX OK Detailed Answer: Hello friend, Best wishes again for a rapid and permanent cure through Homoeopathy Dr. C. J. Varghese
Note: For further inquiries, we recommend seeking guidance from an expert homeopath. Click here to consult now

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Prasad
Answered by
Dr. C. J. Varghese


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Suggest Treatment For Lower Back Pain

Brief Answer: Hello XXXXXXX Thank You for the mail. Detailed Answer: Hello XXXXXXX I went through your case in detail and selected the following key points about your constitution: (Physical and mental) Left sided affection Back ache aggravation lifting Diligent Communicative Confident Positive Strong will Love for family Benevolent From this, my selected remedy for you is Sulphur. Get 1 dose of Sulphur 1000 and take it immediately after waking in the morning. Wait for a month and if you are not feeling better, get back to me again with more details. I will retake your case. Please do not take any other drug. My advice is to stop the drug for Hypertension also. My remedy will cure YOU and so will cure your Hypertension also. The present drug, you are taking now, will not cure but will only control. That will be damaging in the long run. Alcohol makes more damages to your brains than the smart phone. If not better , just recollect and inform what exactly happened in your psychic level just prior to the development of your pain in the back. Try to find out a psychic, unexpected, shocking conflict after which you lost your sleep, spent few days in active conflict phase etc. Your explanation of long sitting at work with lap top etc is not the cause. They were there for several years. Why then since XXXXXXX 2013? With best wishes for a rapid and permanent cure for your low backache with Homoeopathy, Dr. C. J. Varghese Homoeopath.