Suggest Treatment For Lower Right Back Pain
as explained in details.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query and an elucidate history.
Read and re-read the history and understood your concerns.
My thoughts:
The pain is acute and sudden and at right lower side, aggravated even by slightest of movement and as described you.
The commonest causes I can think of are:
Acute sacroiliitis with muscle spasm.
Tenosynovitis of para-spinal muscles attached to sacrum and ilium bones.
I would advise you the following:
Strict rest - I hope, you have someone with your.
Hot fomentation by water bag or warmer pillows or whatever you have, locally.
Take an anti-inflammatory with painkiller property like Ibuprofen in full dosages if it suits you.
Let the inflammation subside a bit.
Go to ER to have clinical evaluation, examination and necessary investigations, preferably an MRI/ CT - combo study if they do to get the correct diagnosis and to get additional treatment in the form of painkillers, muscles relaxers and as needed - these medicines need a valid prescription.
I hope this answer helps in an early and proper diagnosis an proper treatment.
Please feel free to ask for further relevant queries if you feel that there is a gap of communication.
As discussed in details below.
Detailed Answer:
It is good to know that your pain has been reduced.
To answer your queries:
Sacroiliitis:The is a joint between sacrum bone and Ilium bone to complete the pelvic girdle and this joint is usually immobile. If there is mobility for whatsoever reasons like infection or accidental trauma there is development of inflammation of the joint and may be small mobility giving severe pain. This in turn can give rise to inflammation and resultant protective spasm in nearby tissues.
Paraspinal muscles that get attached to the pelvic bones, mainly erector spinae. They get inserted by tendinous part.
These can get into inflammation, protective spasms secondary to any inflammation and can cause the type of pains that you have.
I hope this answers your queries.