Suggest Treatment For Lumbar Compression Fracture
no. you wont die. but try taking enema or get it examined
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for posting in HCM.
Do not worry as no body dies due to inpacted stools.
Sometimes during surgery times the bowels are emptied by giving enema.
Now after surgery it takes roughly 2 days to get to normal bowel movements.
If you feel you have impacted stools you can try taking enema which will relief of the stools.
Or i feel there might be no food in intestines as you recently underwent surgery where the bowels must be emptied. So you can wait for a day more so stools can be formed and passed.
If tit doesn't come still then take a enema and see whether it helps. If it doesnt help still then consult a general surgeon as you might require digital evacuation of stools. Do not attempt at home the same.
Try above advices and it might help.
I hope i have answered your query well.
If you have any more query kindly write back to me will be happy to answer them.
Thank you