Suggest Treatment For Lump In The Lower Back Area
Please give additional information
Detailed Answer:
Thank for your query, albeit short and specific.
To recapitulate: Male/29 - lump lower back right side - not tender - but pain shoots to buttocks and thigh on right side - not consulted the Doctor - no medications ...
As per the history your have mentioned, the lump looks to be related to some nerve, either pressing or stretching it.
The diagnosis can be made only by the following:
Clinical evaluation and examination.
High resolution ultrasound and MRI if required to confirm what it is.
FNAC if warranted on Ultrasound/MRI.
Please give a few additional points for me to assist you better:
Does the pain shoot on pressing the lump or on its own?
What is the size and shape of the lump?
Since when is this present?
Any backache or history of direct or indirect trauma to the back in past?
Any other relevant history that you would like to share?
May be a Sebaceous cyst or lipoma as the commonest cause
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your feedback.
The lump may most probably be due to a Sebaceous cyst or a lipoma.
Needs to be well diagnosed and excised for the obvious reasons:
- One gets rid of the disease.
- One get the confirmed histopathological diagnosis.