Suggest Treatment For Lymphedema In Legs And Animal Mite In Scalp
Needs management, Animal mite needs reconsideration
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking
I read your question and i understand your concern. Lymphedema results from blockage from lymph nodes and result in swelling in legs. its hard to treat rather impossible. Only managed and relieved for symptoms.
Exercises that encourage lymph drainage from the legs . Lymphedema therapists are available who can help you with the exercises. Wrapping up of the entire affected limb with a bandage or a compresisons tocking may help ith drainage. There are massage techniques called manual lymph node drainage therapy that can help with lymphedema. Pneumatic compressions are also an option.
Last but not the least option is complete decompression therapy CDT but first you will be evaluated for contraindications like high blood pressure, diabetes, paralysis, heart failure and clots etc. In resistant cases surgery even may be considered to remove excessive tissue from the affected limbs to help swelling. Contact the National Lymphedema Network to find support groups in your area. They can also put you in touch with other people with lymphedema.
Regarding the animal mites in scalp, i would like you to know that animal mies don't prefer humans as host and they unlikely affect humans. There Might Be a skin reaction to the contact but full blown animal mite infestation in humans and that too in scalp is less likely.
That is why i would recommend to seek a dermatologist and let them weigh the differentials that may look like animal mite scabies. You may try permethrin creams, 5 % lindane lotions, crotamiton and or ivermectins for the relief. Although the mites may be killed the itching persists for several weeks for which you will have to take anti histamines etc. I prefer doxepin personally as it is the drug of choice for the itching.
Meanwhile coal and soak your skin with cool water to reduce itching. Apply some soothing lotions like calamine lotions for the itch but you need to consult the dermatologist as i suspect that might not be animal mite and some other skin condition likely dermatitis etc.
I hope it helps. take good care of yourself and dont forget to close the discussion please.