Suggest Treatment For Mild Case Of Peyronie's Disease
He performed a cystourethroscopy which was described in my XXXXXXX as surgery and certainly felt like surgery and was very painful.
The pain has evolved into what seems like a permanent soreness. It is located at the head of the penis, along the urethea, and surrounding the rectum as is it as in the prostate.
I can achieve an erection and the soreness is not overwhelming, but I am concerned that it is a sign of damage or damage in the process of occurring. Let me know what you think.
Cystourethroscopy will not cause any permanent damage
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for query .
Based on the facts that you have posted you seem to have Peyronies Disease and have pain and discomfort in penis after endoscopic examination of Cystouretroscopy .
I shall be happy if you can post me more details to help me in making precise comments
1) Do you have painful palpable nodule in shaft of the penis which is confirmed on ultrasound Scanning of Penis ?
2) Do you have pain during erection and penetration during intercourse ?
Pain in penis after endoscopic examination is common and persists for few days and goes away over a period of time .
Take anti inflammatory drug like Diclofenac twice daily .It should get resolved within a week .
Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions,I shall be happy to help you
Thanks and Regards.
Thank you for your observations. It's nice to know that it is not a sign of permanent damage
Ironically the procedure has lessened the effects of the peyronies which wasn't too bad to begin with. However if I manually cause an erection and climax, it is followed by soreness.
There doesn't seem to be a noticeable nodule in the head of the penis (though I should get an ultrasound).
The problem is that the soreness has been present for over a month. But I will try to get some Diclofeenac and see how it works.
Thanks again.
Regards, XXXXXXX
Take the medications suggested for 10 days
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up ,
Take the medications suggested for 10 days .
It should help to resolve your problem .
Thanks and Regards.