Suggest Treatment For Mild Pneumonia
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"walking pneumonia" is a non-medical term to describe mild pneumonia. So if you've got a mild pneumonia, you can also call it walking...
I can't assess the severity of your pneumonia with current information. Details like your oxygen saturation, clinical findings, the actual CT findings, etc are required to do so. A very commonly used (and easy too) scoring system to assess the severity of pneumonia is CURB-65. C means confusion, U means urea, R means respiratory movements and B means blood pressure. Finally 65 is the age of the patient. Patients above 65 years old are prone to more severe pneumonias. So you get 1 point when the patient has confusion, 1 point when the urea is higher than 38mg% (or BUN higher than 19mg%), 1 point for respiratory rate equal to or higher than 30 per minute. Patients with zero points have a 0.6% death rate, patients with 1 point have 2.7%, patients with 5 points have 28%. I believe you got the idea...
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