Suggest Treatment For Mucous In Throat, Nose And Ears
probably chronic Rhino sinusitis
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Thanks for contacting with your health concern and going by history of 'mucus' in ENT region do let me know about following concerns for better understanding of your symptoms and pathology:
1. have you checked with an ENT specialist for examination?
2. is there presence of any associated symptoms like: toothache, headache, eye strain, facial pain and pressure, nasal discharge, poor sense of smell, bad breath.
3. are you presently taking modern medicines: if yes, do let me know the drugs with duration and any addiction?
4. What about the immune status i.e. getting recurrent fever or any immunocompromised state [any history of diabetes, tuberculosis or kidney disease]??
PS: A poor immune system makes you more prone to any infection.
i. In Ayurveda we hold that nose is the gateway to head, thus start practicing NASYA [errhine therapy], after consulting/guidance of an Ayurveda physician [with shadbindu tail]
PS. If there is deviated nasal septum, avoid use of Nasya, instead ask for 'pratimarsha Nasya'
ii. take high protein diet ( egg (white), soyamilk, pumpkin, squash, watermelon, peanuts, almonds, if non-vegetarian (meat) are choices , legumes, sprouted pulses/cereals, milk with protein powder and deep breathing Exercises [anulom vilom]
iii. Vitamin A: helps to maintain Thymus gland which is a powerful antiviral gland: thus XXXXXXX carrots, cantaloupe, egg yolk, apricots, pumpkin, papaya, are ideal.
ii. Vitamin C: is needed for proper functioning of immune system: amla [india gooseberry] is best
iii. Vitamin E: is a powerful anti oxidant which helps to stimulate antibody production: peanuts, dried apricots, cooked spinach, taro root can be taken
Do revert back with your clarifications for Dietary Regime and Natural Medicine
Dr. Munish Sood
Consultant & Physician
Sometimes when a swallow I get a feeling of pressure in the left sinus, the left ear also seems to also be worst. Swallowing seems to create clicking sound and seem to swallow air.
I do have a post nasal drip and my sense on smell is poor.
My immune system seems fine, I have not issues with compromised immune state that I believe, my mother has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, but I was checked and seem ok.
I am not taking any drug, although occasionally drink alcohol
Medical management can be given but Surgical Correction is better
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1. It seems that 'deviated septum' is blocking drainage from sinus into the nasal cavity thereby increasing pressure and causing 'rhino-sinusitis' features: post nasal drip, reduced sense of smell,pain in sinuses.
2. Since smell and taste are closely linked when 'flavor' is concerned, thus reduction in SMELL is first noticed when food seems tasteless, e.g. in COLD
3. As you condition requires surgical correction/resurrection thus do consult a board certified ENT surgeon.
4. In the mean time, if not willing to go for surgical management:
. Avoid: heavy, slimy and acidic food, curd, mustard oil, excess physical exertion, sunlight-dust areas, exposure to strong winds, day sleeping, smoking
. Potato, green leafy vegetables. Cold water/food
. Take: old brown rice, soup of moong dal, black grapes, cow’s or goat milk, garlic, lukewarm water to drink, black pepper, dried ginger, honey, mulethi, launga
. Take Raw ginger+ raw turmeric: [2 gm each] and fry in cow’s ghee [6 gm] and thereafter add 6 gm jaggery and take at bed time [during night]
. Successful prescription for you will be
i. XXXXXXX XXXXXXX ras+ shringa bhasma+ Shuddha man shila+ madhuyashti/sitopladi churan: twice a day with cow’s ghee
ii. Chitrak haritki: at bed time [20gm]
iii. Vyoshadi churan: after meals, two times
PS. Since knowing our limitations, your ENT Doctor is in better position for further prognosis, but Preventive and Prophylactic treatment and Management has been provided.
Dr. Munish
see an ENT physician expertise in Balloon Sinuplasty
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1. Since your condition is a surgical issue, thus to know the benefits of sinuplasty, check with an ENT surgeon who after taking a detailed history with physical examination and relevant investigations will be in better position to tell you about the pros and cons of the procedure.
PS. since deviated septum is more of nasal problem and not a sinus problem thus Balloon Sinuplasty will not help, so see an ENT physician to get yourself evaluated and determine the cause of your problem and may interchange septoplasty first. [to correct the septum first]
2. Most Important point to remember and which I usually discuss with my patients is how to manage the post operative problems i.e. the follow up which is described as under:
i. after the procedure is done, make sure that culture is done to identify any resistance of bacteria.
ii. resistance will help in prescribing selected antibiotic therapy for extended time.
iii. repeated sinus/nasal Irrigation with antibiotics [at clinic and home]
iv. Endoscopic examination and repeated CT scans for evaluation and to know the extent of problem [prognosis]
Dr. Munish
requires physical examination
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1.Since the symptom of facial pain requires physical examination to exclude whether possibility of facial pain is due to sinusitis or is due to Trigeminal neuralgia thus your attending GP or attending physician is in better position to rule out the same.
2. If cause comes out to be sinusitis/deviated septum then treatment is as described earlier, but if cause of neuralgia is different then management has to be planned accordingly.
Dr. Munish
will wait
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I'll be waiting to address your future concerns with necessary management.
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