Suggest Treatment For Multi Resistant Bacterial Infection
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Please upload Urine culture report.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query,based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have chronic UTI.
I shall be happy if you can post me few more details to help me in making comments on your problem.
1) What are the urinary symptoms that you have ?
2) Is there increased frequency for urination ?
3) Are you able to empty your bladder completely every time you pass urine ?
4) Is it possible for you to upload urine culture report to help me to make precise suggestions.?
At the outset I would like to explain the basic cause for your Chronic UTI. Chronic UTI at this age is mostly due to what is called as post menopausal Urethral Stenosis that causes narrowing of the urethral passage along with atrophy of genital organs that happens after menopause.This results in to incomplete emptying of bladder
resulting into significant residual urine to remain in bladder .This residual urine is the source of chronic infection .
Since bacteria change their sensitivity pattern frequently it is always advisable to eliminate route cause( that is) Urethral Stenosis .
Please consult qualified Urologist and discuss with him regarding endoscopic examination of bladder and calibration of urethral passage (Dilatation of Urethra) ,so that your bladder well be always emptied completely every time during urination and there will not be any residual urine which is source of infection .
Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions ,I shall be happy to help you
Thanks and Regards.
I probably do retain a bit of urine. I feel as if I am emptying all but can always produce urine.
Symptoms beginning July 2 during the night:
Strong electrical shiver that ran all the way up to my neck and jaws, not painful but uncomfortable, while urinating.
Vomiting during the night once, mild nausea at times
Fever middle of the night and late after noon. Highest 101.9. This stopped three days ago with Bactrim three days ago but happened once again since
Uncontrollable shivering and cold
I was on Cipro July 3rd through 5th and Bactrim 5th through 9th and MONO-MCR started last night.
I do not have the culture report in hand but was told that it shows that the bacteria is "multi-drug resistant" e.coli and both previous drugs were ineffective. My experience was there was no improvement with Cipro, but I was feeling so much better on Bactrim that I thought I was on the way to a cure.
With two douses of MONO-MCR I don't feel as good as yesterday and have more urgency to urinate and developing a headache, but my temp now is 97.1.
Thank you
Difficult to suggest drug without culture report.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up.You have symptoms typical of UTI and infection can be controlled only with appropriate antibiotic .
I would suggest you to repeat the urine culture and start taking appropriate antibiotics. report instead of trying various antibiotics as a trial .
Thanks and Regards.