Suggest Treatment For Myasthenia Gravis
Myopathy & Modalities Of Treatment
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for contacting with your concern and following are the recommended guidelines and management in Alternative System of Medicine. Before I proceed to the alternatives, I would like to share some information about the existing treatment.
1. Since it an autoimmune disease, thus definitive treatment will be Plasma Exchange i.e. removal of circulating 'Acetylcholine receptor antibodies'
2. To induce complete or partial remission, some patients undergo thymectomy (if there are remnants remaining). Please check with your treating doctor.
3. Mestinon [pyridostigmine] which is commonly used drug has no immune suppressing action. You may continue it as instructed, a majority of patients can lead a normal life with it.T
I usually manage the person on the line of 'Mansvaha Srotas Vyadhi causing Pranavaha Dushti' i.e. Rajyakshma Chikitsa. As per ayurveda in MG there is Vaat vridhi, Kapha Kshaya and deranged mans dhatu which causes formation of 'AAM' [Toxin] resulting in myopathic disorders. Thus treatment is started as:
B. Kapha Vardhaka
C. Mans Dhatu Pushtikara.
You may consult an experienced Ayurveda Physician/Herbalist there for further Information if you like to try it.
Now about the natural alteratives:
1. Do's: You can taake Dicotyledons variety of pulses like atma XXXXXXX [mucuna prurita], XXXXXXX masha [red beans], mudga XXXXXXX [kidney bean], masha XXXXXXX [blue wiss] from plant source. Animal sources such as mutton (Goat's- meat), soup, milk, ghee [Mans dhatu Pushtikara] are known to be beneficial.
2. Avoid things which are opposite to mans dhatu i.e. which are implicated in myopathic disorders such as Shilajeet [asphaltum], Honey, Yava kshara [borax], XXXXXXX [copper] Bhasma, swarna [Gold] excessive bitter, pungent drugs.
. alcohol, smoking, excess physical exertion, excessive grief/anger/fasting.
. Avoid excess use of Panchkarma procedure [Vaman & Virechana], excess indulgence in sex and other measure of weight loss.
3. Special massage procedures like:
. Navara-Kizhi [pinda sweda]
. Navara-thepu [annalepana]
. Pizhichil [kaya seka]
. Dhara can also be undertaken to derive some positive benefits, which makes the body strong with well developed musculature.
4. Physiotherapy: Moderate physical exercise is good and can delay the progress of muscle weakness and the development of contracture. These should be done under the care of a therapist. Passive stretching of tendons, light spinal support are helpful.
5. Besides that some of the result oriented medicine which you can take is/are:
. Ghambari phalam [gmelina arborea]
. salaparni [Viscid pseudarthria]
. Ashwagandha
. XXXXXXX Yashti
. Roupya [Silver]
. Goat milk-meat-ghee
. XXXXXXX Mrigank Ras.
. Udumbar patra Sar
. Amrit Prash Ghrita... these are known as 'mansa gami drugs' [specific action in/on muscles tissue].
I understand some of the components that I wrote may not be comprehensible. But the aforementioned natural / herbal alternatives have been very helpful to most of my patients. If you have an ayurveda expert nearby, they will know about those result oriented medicine.
Do revert back for any clarifications/concerns
Dr. Munish
Myopathy or Myalgia
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for reverting back.
The prescribed medicines which I recommend to my patients can be easily purchased from Ayurveda Drug Store/Pharmacy without any anonymity:
i. Lauha Bhasma: 250 mg
Chandraprabha Vati: 500 mg
Navak guggulu: 500 mg... with Trifla Kwath 20-30ml thrice a day
ii. Panchskar Churan: 3gm at bed time with lukewarm water.
PS. The name given are same as is/are available world wide.
2. Soft foods is recommended because it will require less energy to chew.
. avoid extreme heat, physical exertion since both worsen symptoms.
. consider occupational therapy..
Besides those, I also recommend
i. Proteinsare essential for antibodies production so milk, egg (white), beans,yogurt,soyamilk,pumpkin,squash,watermelon,peanuts,almonds, if non-vegetarian (meat) are choices
ii. Vitamin A: helps to maintain Thymus gland which is a powerful antiviral gland : thus XXXXXXX carrots,cantaloupe,egg yolk,apricots,pumpkin,papaya, are ideal
iii. Vitamin C: is needed for proper functioning of immune system. You can get those supplements at the chemist.
iv. Vitamin E: is a powerful anti oxidant which helps to stimulate antibody production: peanuts, dried apricots, cooked spinach, taro root can be taken
v. Vitamin B is important for the activity of phagocytes: eggs, cheese, pistachio, raw garlic, sunflower and sesame oil.
vi. Ashwagandha,Mandukparni,Shatavari,Trikatu,Vacha,Guduchi,are best Immunomdulators, you can consult with an Ayurveda Physician there about the same or Google Search them or just ask for:
. Ashwagandhadi Lehyam and Amrutottaram kashaya tablets
Dr. Munish Sood