Suggest Treatment For Obesity And Flatulence
I am with a stent in my heart's lower downward artery since 2014. Recently due to my cardio physician being out of XXXXXXX I had gone for a six monthly consultation to a new cardio physician who replaced my years old BP medicine Telma to Olmezest.
I am facing severe hypertension and my daily BP count has increased from 120/80 to 150/90. My cardio says it will take some time to re adjust.
!) Should I go back to taking Telma 40mg instead of Olmezest 40mg?
2) I was also taking post angio-plasty these 3 drugs, a) Clopitab A75, b) Rosuvastatin 20mg, c) Starpress XL 50mg and d) Tryptomer 10 mg on a daily basis.
The new cardio has asked me to discontinue Starpress XL 50mg and Tryptomer 10mg. Will the stopping of these two have detrimental effect on my heart?
Thank You.
Details below!
Detailed Answer:
Firstly thanks for choosing health care magic for your query!
Target blood pressure in a non diabetic patient post PTCA is less then 130/90mm of Hg,So don't worry your blood pressure is not grossly deranged.
Answer to your questions are as below-
1)Both Telmisartan and Olmesartan are AT1 antagonists,They both belong to same group of drug,If you were stable on Telma then shifting to Olmezest does'nt make any sense.So if you want you can go back to Telma again.
2)NO a big NO ,Metoprolol(STARPRESS XL) is always indicated post PTCA and should never be discontinued unless there is a contraindication.Beta blockers are highly cardioprotective and should never be stopped.So a big NO.
For tryptomer(its not a cardiac medicine) ,So please mention why it has been prescribed to you,If that problem is ok now then you can stop it.Stopping Tryptomer is not going to effect your heart unless you have some anxiety problems.
Change your cardiologist.
Take home advice
Never stop rosuvastatin,Clopitab A and Metoprolol,Even a single missed dose can be Catastrophic.
In case you have any other query feel free to ask!
Thank you,
Dr.Rishu Saxena XXXXXXX Hospital,Newdelhi
Thanks for your initial answer.
I have missed Starpress XL for three days now and have taken a single tablet moments after seeing your alarm! Thank you again!
Tryptomer was advised 9 months ago after I had reported to my cardiologist that I had experienced anxiety and heavy headedness after severe flatulence together with twitching in my upper eyelids. He had prescribed this drug and had advised me to take only occasionally a 5 mg dose of Zapiz/Lonazep in severity to feel relieved.
I do not take Zapiz/Lonazip but do take Tryptomer.
One more information that may describe my gas problems.
Since angioplasty I am on a strict diet of boiled unspiced food and avoid eating
fried snacks, bakery products, egg yolk and drinking coffee.
But the initial heart drugs Prasugrel and Ecosprin (prescribed by my cardio-surgeon who had planted the stent in my heart's LDA) were stopped by me after six months of intestinal bleeding, evidenced by the pathology tests of my suddenly
black hued faeces. I also had started bleeding excessively on shaving cuts and nicks.
Stopping the above two drugs changed the hue of the faeces and (as per pathology reports) the intestinal bleeding to a great extent. I still pass occasionally black hued faeces and am in constant flatulence which sometimes causes the BP to rise and does not get permanently cured even after daily empty stomach intake of Pantocid DSR. In emergencies doctors at hospitals have sent me home with an intravenous injection of pantoprazole as a stand by measure of relief.
Does inflation of the abdomen due to flatulence contribute to rise in BP and later cause heart attacks?
Details below!
Detailed Answer:
Prasugel is associated with high risk of bleeding that's why in normal case also also most of the patient are shifted from prasugrel to clopigrel after 6 months,Don't worry all your cardiac medicines right now are good and just continue with them.
Boiled food without any spices has nothing to do with your stents ,you can take regular food (indian meal),But fat contents should be on lower side.
Your diet should comprise of-
60% carbohydrate(high glycemic index)
25% Proteins
15 to 20% fats- Saturated fatty acids should be less then 7% and unsaturated fatty acids should be around 10 to 15%
30-40 grams of fibres should be included in food every day.
Inflation acid peptic disorders have nothing to do with your long term blood pressure status.Most likely due to medications the intestinal flora of your intestines have deplished causing severe bloating ,gas etc
A over counter probiotic capsule(Sporlac ds ) with b complex(becosule) capsule should be taken for at least 2 weeks once daily ,Continue taking your pantoprazole.You will feel much relieved in a week or so.Take lot of curd and fibrous fruits like oranges in your diet.
You can stop tryptomer now.
Follow up after 2 weeks