Suggest Treatment For Ocular Toxoplasmosis
Explained in detail
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Hello and welcome
Your concern is appreciated
Toxoplasmosis is caused by intracellular protozoan parasite toxoplasma gondii.
It causes significant inflammation and as result scarring in long term which can temporarily or permanently impair vision.
People who are newly infected about 80% of it has no symptoms most of time disease is self limited and dont require treatment.
Chorioretinal scars are genrally inert but the encysted toxoplasma can reactivate causing inflammation, pain, redness
Sensitvity to light, blurred vision, and increase intraocular pressure.
The inflammtion result in localized scar which contain inactive organisms these scars dont affect vision unless involves central portion of retina
It can cause eye pain and bright light can increase the pain.
In addition it can affect brain lung heart or liver people can have headache fever confusion and other neurological problems
The reactivation of the disease should be excluded
Thorough Eye exam slit lamp examination is needes
Fluorescein angiography and ICG can also de done
You can discuss this with your doctors
Hope it helps
please consult your doctor before taking any further course of action
Wishing you best of health
Dr M.S Khalil.
Detailed Answer:
Hello again
Toxoplasmosis can cause scarring and can result in temporarybor permanent damage to retina. And vision is affected when it involves central portion of retina.
About treatment 80% of people dont develop symptoms; disease is self limited and don't require treatment but in remaing it can cause these symtoms eye pain blurred vision floating spots etc
It can cause complication from mild problem in vision to severe vision loss.
Treatment dont cure the condition but forces it to remain in inactive stage.
The parasite remaim in retina in inactive stage encysted form; when immunity is low or any immunocompromised state is present it can reactivate the parasite.
The floaters in eye can give this black line also pull on vitrous by scar in retina can cause damage to the retina
You should discuss with both your doctors as its caused by scarring or not will require detailed slit lamp examination of eye and also it will help in finding any other cause.
Hope it helps
wishing you best of health
Dr M.S Khalil
Detailed Answer:
Yes , that is a possibility.
Detailed Answer:
Hello again
It seem to me that there is communication gap between you and your doctors; you should state all your complaints clearly make them understand of your concerns and anxiety its your vision that you are worried about and if they think that its something benign then you should be assured to full satisfaction after detailed and thorough examination. And in the end if any thing else you would like to know you can ask it will be encouraged.
Hope it helps
Dr M.S Khalil
Detailed Answer:
Hello again
It deepends on the lesion if its in retina and due to scar then it would be probably there meds will cover any additional damage and if this parasite has in active stage then it will phush to in active and if this line has reversed due to any new inflammation in the retina then meds can possibly revers it. In usual circumstamces the symptoms typically go away within few weeks
if this line is due to any floater then it can get better with time and if this line is due to some damage in vitrous then probably it will need to excise that band of vitrous. The procedure included are laser therapy cryotherapy and virectomy.
The treatment for reactivation in severe cases include antibiotics to reduce inflammation steroid eye drops and sytemic steroids can also be used.
Hope it helps
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wishing you best of health