Suggest Treatment For Pain And Discomfort In The Ribs
Muscular or costochondritic or Gastritic most likely.
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The symptoms you are having can be because of costochondritis or gastritis or a simple muscle soprain..
Costochondritis causes localized rib cage pain and tenderness that can be reproduced by pushing on the involved cartilage in the front of the rib cage.Some times the pain can be felt around the ribs and not on the ribs. Costochondritis is a relatively harmless musculoskeletal chest pain.Most of the times pain is severe at the junction of rib cage and breast bone(Not in your case).But as per you the discomfort lasts only for a second or two and is not always there so Muscular pain or pain due to gas or acid peptic problem is more likely.
I would suggest you to go for a X ray chest PA and Lateral view and aphyscial examination by doctor should be done to check rebound tenderness to rule out chondritic pain,Once cleared,
We could start treating the more likely possibility (gastritis),I would suggest you to take a PPI(Omeprazole) for few days,A antacid can also be taken twice daily along with it.If not relieved in 4-5 days,start taking an anti inflammatory like diclofenac for few days as iof the pain would be muscular,It will respond to anti inflammatory.
Please discuss all options with your treating doctor.
Please specify your stress and anxiety levels.
X ray chest PA view.
USG abdomen.
Physical examination by a physician.
Take a mild anti inflammatory like diclofenac along with omeprazole till you consult your primary doctor.
Very unlikely that pancreas is involved.
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Hi again,
Though the presentation is not typical for any problem associated with pancreas,Yet if you want you can get a ultra sound abdomen done to be on safer side.
Sticky and bloated stools are most likely because of the depleted Gastro intestinal flora.I would suggest you to take a probiotic regularly for a few weeks this will help you for the time being.Some life style changes should be made however for long term benefits.Consider adding enough fiber in your diet. Vegetables with high-fiber content (peas, beans, apricots, prunes, peaches, pears, plums, spinach), fresh fruits, dried fruits, and whole wheat, XXXXXXX or oatmeal cereals are excellent sources of fiber.Include a lot of whole grain bread, corn XXXXXXX cereals, buns, muffins, XXXXXXX flakes, whole wheat cereals, whole grain pasta, and brown rice in your daily diet.
Whole grains - help to enhance the digestive system.This will increase bulk of stool and stools will be more formed and non sticky.
Follow up advice.
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Hi again,
The advice is still the same,once digestion will improve every thing will improve.They are all connected.
Follow up after 2 weeks.
Final thoughts after putting all this together?
Follow up advice.
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Final thought is still the same follow the advice given above for 2 weeks and as overall digestion will improve things will settle down. Increased fibres will increase the bulk of stool and hence stool will be solid,formed and without mucous.
Some more food advice apart from that given above are:
-Follow a High fiber diet.
-Take lots of yogurt in food.
-Avoid any fast food for few months.
-No fried food or spicy food.
-Increase XXXXXXX warm water intake
-Do not drink water during and after meals
-Don't drink juices of citric fruits like orange,It may increase acidity.
-No smoking and alcohol.
-Restrict Tea or Coffee.
-Try to eat a lot of fresh salad,Vegetables and fruits.
Follow up after 2 weeks,You will be much better.
Nothing should be taken 30minutes before and after meals in liquid form.
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30minutes before and after the meals you should not take anything.