Suggest Treatment For Pain In Stomach With Nausea And Pain
needs work up and management, Go to ER
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking
Pain in stomach with nausea is most likely a gastritis. Functional bowel may also present this way but is usually associated with deranged bowel habits alternating diarrhea and constipation.
It seems like a gastritis. Try Antacids like proton pump inhibitors, some anti spasmodics and rest for a while. keep fluids only.
Gallbladder and pancreas involvement may also present this way. It needs a little work up , abdominal ultrasound , complete liver functions and pancreatic profile is necessary.
Get to ER as it is medical emergency. Pain not responding to medications is always an emergency. whether saturday or sunday, People at ER will help you through.
Meanwhile try above mentioned medicines, avoid alcohol and beverages, restrict your diet to fluids and rest for a while.
I hope it helps. Take good care of yourself and dont forget to close the discussion please.
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