Suggest Treatment For Pain In Stomach
Additional information required
Detailed Answer:
Presence of blood in stools could be due to many reasons. If the bleeding is fresh and painless possibility of haemorrhoids/piles needs to be considered.
It would be helpful if you could provide me following additional information for me to be able to assist you further
1. Where is exact location of site of pain while walking?
2. Do you have any other associated complaints like nausea/vomiting/loss of appetite?
3. Do you have constipation?
4. When there is bleeding in stools associated with pain?
5. Is the blood small in quantity over the stools or its mixed with stools?
Awaiting your response for me to be able to guide you further
Take Care
Best Regards
Dr Deepak Kaltari
Consultant Surgeon
Likely to be acid peptic disease
Detailed Answer:
The cause of pain in right hypochondriac region (Liver region) is likely to be due to acid peptic disease.
I would suggest you the following which will definitely help.
1. Taking Antacid like Pantoprozole which is available over the counter will help
2. Avoid Spicy and oily foods
3. Eat small quantity frequent meals
4. Avoid tea/coffee/alcohol/carbonated beverages
5. Consume high fiber diet
6. Consume plenty of oral fluids
If the symptoms persists would suggest you to see a Surgeon for further assessment.
Painless bleeding is likely to be due to haemorrhoids. Exact diagnosis will depend on clinical examination by Surgeon. I would suggest you to consult Surgeon for further assessment.
In the meantime I would suggest the following
I would suggest you the following
1. Drink plenty of water everyday:. It will help by mixing with the fiber of diet and give bulk to the stools so that they are well formed and soft.
2. High Fiber diet: Vegetable salad( 2 servings a day), Fruits especially citrus fruits.
3. Avoid Diet causing constipation: Especially those food stuffs containing refined flour like cakes, bread, biscuits, cookies
4. Hot Seitz bath: Add a handful of common table salt in a tub of lukewarm water and immerse the bottom by sitting in it. Every such session should last for 15 to 20 minutes. Two such session a day, one in the morning and one before retiring to bed at night. It would also be benificial to repeat it after every bowel movement.
5. Laxatives
Do get back to me if you need any further assistance
Best Regards
Do get a thorough evaluation from Physician
Detailed Answer:
Do consult your physician for further assessment. Dosage of Pantoprozole (40 mg) is one single tablet twice a day. If the symptoms persist do consult your physician for detailed assessment and work up.
Wishing you great Health
Best regards
Dr Deepak