Suggest Treatment For Pain In Testicles Radiating To The Right Leg
What it could be?
Investigations and consultation of a Surgeon.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
Noted your history of pain in the right testicle, goes to right leg and groin, making hard to walk and stand. Eases away on sitting or laying down.
Read online about the possibility of testicular torsion and wants to know if the testicle dies out how can it be known.
Since you still have pain on pressing or hitting a little bit with finger means it has not died.
Secondly the pain of the testicular torsion is very severe.
The right testicle normally hangs higher than the left so no worry about it.
Still have a bit of pain.
Your history is more suggestive of orchitis.
I would advise you the following:
First of all send the sample of urine for testing including culture and sensitivity.
Send blood for tests.
Ultrasonography and color doppler examination helps.
Consult a General Surgeon or Urologist for clinical evaluation, examination, accurate diagnosis and treatment as necessary till you are cure.
You are young, hence take proper care.
Get the investigations done as soon as possible.
Detailed Answer:
That is why get a proper examination and ultrasound and color doppler examination and other tests and please post the reports so that we can discuss further.