Suggest Treatment For Pain In The Testicle
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Detailed Answer:
Hello and thank you for asking Healthcaremagic.
I am Dr.Endri and I will be answering at your questions.
It would be great If you could provide more information about this pain.
-for how long do you have this pain
-does it hurt when you touch your testicle
-is your testicle bigger than the other,or did its size change and get bigger?
-do you have fever
-do you have other symptoms like burning sensation while urinating,or your urine smells bad??
Since I am missing this kind of information I will try to cover the most common reasons to feel pain in the testicle.
1-orchiepididymitis (inflammation/infection of the testicle) in this case there is nothing to be worried,a course of antibiotics prescribe by your physician and painkillers like ibuprofen
2-scrotal hernia. in this case the only treatment is through surgery and repair the hernia
3-hydrocele (liquids inside your testicle) it can be repaired through surgery or just treat the symptoms (painkillers) if there is just a litle liquid
4-tumor of the testicle. in this case surgery is yhe only option
5-cyst of epididymis .it can be repaired through surgery
6-torsion of your testicle. surgery needed as soon as possible.
If I was your caring doctor I would perform a physical exam at your testicle. Since this can't be done by me I suggest as follows:
-consult your physician just to be sure that you don't have a torsion of your testicle
Depending from the physical exam you might need to do these exams:
-ultrasound of your testicle to check for cysts,hernia,tumor, and the blood flow at your testicle
-urine test (urinary tract infection can cause orchiepidymitis)
-other tests,like blood tests ect.
Meanwhile you can use ibuprofen 400 mg for the pain.
If you have any other question,don't hesitate to contact me.
wish you good health.
Dr.Endri Katro