Suggest Treatment For Pancreatitis
1. Mother is 82
2. Diabetes 2
3. Basically sedentary
4. Neuropathy off and on
5. Out of breath easily
6. Major heart attack 1995
7. Is having bouts of pancreatitis which was diagnosed at the Eisenhower Med. Centre in Palm XXXXXXX 2011
8. An occurrence 3 wks. ago, and again
9. Terrible diet- high fat, little protein, no vegetables, fruits, etcetera. Doesn't follow a diabetic diet. Diet coke, ice t, ice cream.
10. Will not go to the hospital or Dr.
11. Refuses to have the same tests to get the same answer. "It's nothing"!!!
12 . Very stubborn, knows it all.
13. My father died in 2010, pancreatic cancer.
14. What to do???? Very frustrating!!
gastroenterology consultation
Detailed Answer:
Hi dear,
I have read both of your questions.
I think the disease now should be called as chronic pancreatitis caused due to the recurrent episodes of pancreatitis. now it is important to find out the reason for recurrent symptoms. the common causes are alcohol and gall stones. as you have already written that the gall bladder is out so chances of gall stone pancreatitis are less. an easy test 'abdominal sonography' will rule out bile duct stones as a cause of pancreatitis.
ragarding treatment....
1. The cause should be removed, may be alcohol in her case.
2. Blood sugar should be strictly controlled.
3. CT scan is a good test to look at the pancreas.
4. MRCP is best investigation to see pancreatic duct.
5. Many times there is obstruction in pancreatic duct, which causes painful recurrences. such obstruction can be treated by surgery or ERCP and stenting into pancreatic duct. but i think surgery my not be feasible at this age.
6. The other related symptoms can be managed with medication.
7. So the most important thing here is to have a consultation with a gastroenterologist. he will diagnose the actual problem and will treat it accordingly.
another important thing you can do is to taker her to patient counselor, so that she can be counselled to take treatment.
occurrence of pancreatic cancer in your father will not increase the chance of cancer in your mother, because they are not genetically related.
feel free to ask further.