Suggest Treatment For Persistent C. Difficile Infection
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Thanks for choosing HealthcareMagic for your query.
Have gone through your question and i appreciate your concern.
Firstly please don't feel low.I can very well understand the level of frustration you must be experiencing but every cloud has a silver lining.So remain motivated and don't panic.
Secondly, As you are positive for clostridium again after treatment initially you have to go for a test called culture and sensitivity.
The species of bacterium would be artificially cultured from your stools and would be tested for antibiotics sensitivity ie whether the strain of bacteria effecting you is sensitive to a particular antibiotic or not.Once we know the levels of sensitivity we can start you on antibiotics.
Please mention the duration and doses of dificid and vancomycin?
For how long were they prescribed?
Your symptoms?
please attach previous treatment papers,Doses,duration of treatment.All details are essential to give you a logical explaination.
Please go for a culture test asap.
Unfortunately antibiotic therapy is the only way out.
I am trying to stay positive but after 6 months it get a bit old. I feel there is no cure except for a transplant which scares me.
To answer you questions.
The Dificid I took for 10 days and before that I took the Vancomycin for 10 days the first time then another 10 days at a higher MG. Now I am taking a food medicine called EnterGam. I am hopping it does something.
I will have that test for sensitivity to antibiotics when I get a chance. The problem with this issue is I can't leave the house for long. I am able to sleep through the night but that has only been in the last 2 weeks.
I so appreciate you assistance and advice. What antibiotics do you think is the best way to go? I heard this came from antibiotics as well as infected finger nails and hands. I am truly lost.
Be well and thank you,
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Unfortunately we can't classify antibiotics as 'Antibiotic of choice'.
Main problem behind it is that antibiotic effectivity depends on suseptibility of bacteria to that particular antibiotic group.
For the same infection one person could be highly suseptible while another could be resistant to a particular group of antibiotic.
Therefore before starting a long term therapy culture and sensitivity test is done.
As you are a case of relapse initially i would suggest you a 14 days therapy with i.v antibiotics followed by oral antibiotics for 10 days.
For recommending a anyibiotic i would need your culture report.
You just need to deposit your stool sple to laboratory thats it.
Proper hygeine is good and would prevent infection.
PS I have never done this kind of medical care before. Does this medical care go around the world for help or just in the US? I think so many countries have cures that we don't have such as Cuba I understand has a handle on diabetes (can't spell that word either) (simply word of mouth) but it is interesting that we don't share that information completely.
Thanks again for your help, you have been most kind.
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Hello again,
Thank you so much.
I wish you a great luck.
Hope you get well soon.
Please close the thread and write a review.
In case you need some information about diabetes feel free to ask.I would be happy to provide you with professional information.