Suggest Treatment For Persistent Cough
Check for underlying predisposing factors, bronchial wash, vaccination
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks for the query,
I do understand how disturbing this could be. There are many causes of persistent cough. However, considering the fact that you first responded to antibiotics deserves a different approach.
It could be that the germ that caused the initial infection might not be very sensitive to the initial antibiotics that were prescribed. It is important to know if you took the right doses for the correct duration f time as prescribed. If that was the case, it is fine.
Recurrent infections could at times not be because of the treatment, but due to certain predisposing conditions that favor infections. If the predisposing conditions are not managed appropriately, one might risk having infections in a recurrent manner, even with approach treatment.
It might be important to screen for conditions like chronic obstructive bronchopneumopathies (Emphysema, chronic bronchitis, tumors in the respiratory tree, diabetes mellitus). Chronic smoking at times predisposes to these conditions.
It might be important to check for these conditions. Measures like special vaccinations, especially against hemophilus Influenzae, a common germ seen in most circumstances could help prevent recurrent infections.
Are you generally very allergic to certain atmospheric conditions? Some allergic states in the lungs produce more mucous and fluids in lung and airways, predisposing one to infection. Treating the underlying allergic state automatically reduces frequencies of infection.
Other infections do not generally respond to regular antibitiocs. Germs called intracellular bacteria (mycobacteria) might respond only to special antibiotics generally called macrolides.
Any past history of exposure to a person who coughed chronically is important. The exam that is prescribed to you is really important. Not only it could better study the state of the airways, it could be used to remove some samples to check for specific bacteria. It is important to exclude pulmonary tuberculosis, for its presentation might not be very typical at times.
Thanks an kind regards as I wish you the best of health.
Dr Bain