Suggest Treatment For Persistent Pain At The Corner Of Eye
pain incorner ofright eye blurring. inflamatory , allergic forgeinbody
Detailed Answer:
persistent pain inrighteyecorner presumed itis nasal end.if it is nasal end then first doubt will be dacrocystitis and closure of punctumit should give rise to epiphoraexcesive epiphora can give rise to blurring of vision. other probability may be inflammatory giving rise to corneal erosion which can give rise to blurring of can be angular conjunctivitis, which is allergic but it should be bilateral. it can be foreign body in right corner which can give rise to inflammation of cornea spreading from conjunctivitis. this can give rise to blurring of vision. history of lasik surgery can be contributory known complication of lasiksurgery like corneal dystrophy should be ruled out refraction should be done to see the result of lasik surgery.pterigium if growing from nasal end it is to be examined and how far it has encroach cornea to be seen since duration is three to four days it can be allergic but features like itching is not reported. for confirmation ophthalmologist examination is essential