Suggest Treatment For Persistent Running Nose In A 2 Year Old
Do we need to give her some medicine at this stage. Apart from running nose there is no such health problem. We are hopping it will go with time. It goes for some time but again comes back. How many more days we should wait to give her some medication
This may be allergic rhinitis
Detailed Answer:
Running nose can be asscociated with viral illness. But running nose due to viral illness should subside within a week.Allergic rhinitis should be ruled out in case of Persistent running nose.
Allergic rhinitis can be due to allergy to dust,pollen,pet's fur etc.
I have few queries
Does any family member suffers from allergic disorder?
Is there history of recent exposure to pet?
Chances of allergic rhinitis or other allergic disorder increases when there is a positive family history.
Although history and examination is sufficient enough to diagnose allergic rhinitis, some investigations like eosinophil count or serum IgE level may give a positive clue.
Medications like levocetrizine,montelukast helps in controlling the symptoms.Avoidens of allergens(if it is known) is must. Many a time it is not possible to find out the allergen.Usually these medication should be given for long duration on the basis of control of symptoms.
I would suggest you to consult a physician for evaluation and to start oral or nasal medication if needed.
I would be glad to answer if you have any further query
For both queries ( Does any family member suffers from allergic disorder?Is there history of recent exposure to pet?) the response is negative. And for last few days running nose is very rare for her. If it reappears will consult a physician.
Don't worry,It appears to be due to viral infection
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query.
From your previous question it appeared to me that there is persistent running nose. If this was temporary,no need to worry. Frequent viral upper respiratory infections are common in toddler.
Running nose alone as a symptom is very less common(unless it is allergic rhinitis). Usually it is associated with some other symptoms like fever,cough or respiratory distress. If next time you notice any of these please consult your pediatrician.
I would be glad to answer if you have more concerns.