Suggest Treatment For Persistent Vaginal Itching
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome,
It's possible that there is a yeast overgrowth that may not show up as an actual infection.
It's also possible, that the itching may be due to vaginal tissue atrophy from having decreased amounts of estrogen over time. Estrogen keep the the urogenital tissues healthy and more resistant to infection. After menopause, the vaginal tissue becomes dryer and less resilient.
Here is what I suggest:
1. If you haven't tried this already, use a course of over the counter anti-yeast cream such as clotrimazole.
2. If that helps, at least temporarily, it is very likely to be due to yeast.
3. If it doesn't help, or if the itching returns sometime after the treatment is over, consider talking with your doctor about topical/intravaginal estrogen cream. This is used at night time and over time will restore vaginal tissue health. It is not absorbed as readily as if a person takes it orally, and is therefore safer.