Suggest Treatment For Physical Exhaustion And Soreness In The Rectum Due To Severe Constipation
Ispagula husk, virgin olive oil, warm water intake and do squats (exercise).
Detailed Answer:
It is difficult to figure out the cause of constipation. Constipation definition varies from person-to-person. Stools may be too hard or too small, difficult to pass, or infrequent (less than three times per week). Some people with constipation may feel a sense that the bowels are not empty.
- Stop any medication being used for constipation for a week
- Thrice daily, take two teaspoons (or one big spoon) isphagula husk with 200 to 300 mL water (until stool is passed)
- Increase warm water - at least 6 to 8 glass/day intake (mix few lemon drops in it until normal bowel habit is restored)
- Take 2-3 spoonfuls of edible virgin olive oil for couple to few days early in the morning
- Do not drink water during and after meals
- Eat small meals (rich in fiber)
- Eat plentiful "fresh oranges" and "pears"
- Avoid COLD milk and and AVOID junk food (NO burger, pizza-even if it is veg.) altogether
- Avoid beverages / alcohol / soft drinks
- Do some exercise (push-ups / squats etc) early in the morning/evening
- Avoid carbonated drinks
Following the above advice, if NO resolution within 24-48 hours, then visit a gastroenterologist.
Hope I have answered your concern. I wish you good and sound health.
Dr. Tayyab Malik