Suggest Treatment For Prostate Enlargement
I will come back when I remember the medication name. It is .4 mg. Yes Tomsolucin .
PSA is 2.0. No sexual urge.
Treatment for BPH detailed below
Detailed Answer:
Thank You for trusting HealthcareMagic for your queries,
Since you continue to experience symptoms of Prostate enlargement while on 0.4 mg of Tamsulosin, increasing the dose to 0.8 mg can be tried.
But Tamsulosin can also cause problems with erection and lack of sexual urge/libido.
Treatment with Finasteride, which decreases the size of Prostate is another option. But Finasteride also causes sexual side effects.
If side effects of medication are bothersome, there are also other treatment options available including less invasive procedures like Transurethral Needle Ablation or surgery (Transurethral resection of the prostate).
PSA of 2.0 is not worrisome, and not indicative of anything serious, so please do not worry.
Drink fluids in small amounts throughout the day and avoid drinking too many fluids in evening, can help decrease frequent urination at night.
While peeing, try to relax and void as completely as possible.
Please follow up with a urologist to see, which treatment option is right for you.
Hope I was able to help you
Please feel free to address further questions here
Following up question is does Cialis daily dose helps in prostate health and BPH? I heard FDA approved it for this treatment. Please explain if it helps and how?
There are some natural formulas (like PROSVENT and others) are available online to be used as dietary supplement. Do they help in this problem? These natural formulas are not approved by FDA.
Cialis for treatment of BPH
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for following up
FDA has approved the use of Cialis for treatment of Prostate enlargement and erectile dysfunction.
Cialis improve erectile dysfunction by dilating blood vessels and improving blood flow to penis, helping with erection.
Cialis also relaxes muscles of urethra and prostate, improving yrine flow in Benign Prostatic hypertrophy (BPH).
However, Cialis should not be taken with tamsulosin as it can dangerously lower blood pressure. Tamsulosin should be discontinued before starting Cialis.
Taking cialis along with blood pressure medications and nitrate can also lower blood pressure.
There is no data available proving the efficacy of Prosvent in treatment of BPH.
Prosvent also contains saw palmetto and beta sitasterol which is linked to causing erectile dysfunction and reduced sexual urge.
Hope I was able to answer your question
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Please let me know your opinion about the following online available capsules PROSTAVOL, PROSTALESS and SUPER BETA PROSTATE to treat enlarged prostate.
Please let me know if you have a recommendation for any medication or any other kind of therapy to manage enlarged prostate and its related problems.
I have stopped taking Tomsolucin and I do not feel much difference with or without this medication.
I appreciate your help!
Cialis would be a good option for you
Detailed Answer:
Thank You for following up
As I had mentioned earlier, there is no clinical/ research data available regarding the efficacy and safety of prostate supplements.
Most of these supplements contain sterols like beta sitasterol, which causes sexual side effects. This would make these supplements not the ideal choice for you.
I would recommend trying Cialis, since you have stopped Tamsulosin.
Cialis treats both erectile dysfunction and BPH symptoms.
Do not start cialis without consulting a doctor first, as it has interactions with other medications and not indicated for use in certain cardiac conditions.
If cialis do not give symptom relief, other options are less invasive procedures like Transurethral needle ablation (TUNA), laser therapy or surgery (transurethral resection of prostate)
Less invasive procedures have fewer side effects and faster recovery than surgery. However, surgery is more effective.
Choice of treatment depends on the severity of symptoms, complications and your choice/ expectations.
Discuss with a Urologist to see which treatment is right for you.
Hope I was able to help you
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I take Losartin Potassium 25 mg for high blood pressure. I do not have any heart problems. I do not take any other medications regularly.
Will Losartin go with Cialis if my personal physician prescribe it?
Losartan can be taken along with Cialis
Detailed Answer:
Thank You for following up
There is no absolute contraindication for taking Losartan along with Cialis. However, the two medication when taken together can cause added effect and decrease blood pressure.
Follow-up with your treating physician regularly for close monitoring of blood pressure and dose adjustment accordingly as needed.
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