Suggest Treatment For Random Pin Prick Pains On Chest
Went to ER, chest X-ray clear, cardiac enzymes perfect, EKG like a marathon runner. Today today I went to my personal physician and she's having me get an endoscopy, because it was very painful when she pushed the areas around my sternum.....she's thinking possible esophageal spasms, gerd? I don't have indigestion or burning, just a little burping from time to time though.... This is so painful and frustrating.
Most likely GERD, needs management
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Thank you for asking
Your history is quite likely for esophageal reflux / GERD. Endoscopy is definitely the next option. 24 hour PH monitoring and esophageal manometry are associated tests needed here.
You are not alone in this. Every third person in the World is having this issue. Men are bait more unluckier in this regard. every 2 men are in proportion to one woman for this disease.Thanks for oestrogen’s and their effects on lipid profile.
80 percent resolve by simple modifications i am going to mention and rest 18 out of 20 percent respond to conservative measures like medicines and modifications. Only 2 % need intervention.
the only thing you need to start with is modifying diet and lifestyle and adapt gut friendly measures to help this issue.
Lose your weight. If your BMI is 25 or above you need to lose weight. Calculate you BMI Here
Alcohol ? say no to it. Now is the time. Get sign up to Alcohol Anonymous and seek help to gradually resolve this addiction. Booze will ooze the health out of you.
Coffee,Chocolates, citrus juices, tomato based products like ketchups, sauces, pastes etc, Peppermints, all the onion family, beans are some of the diet you need to avoid to relieve symptoms.
If you are fond of eating, time to stop it. reduce diet intake, instead of increasing the quantity, increase the frequency, 5 times short meals instead of 3 bigger ones will be better.
If you sleep just after or with in 3 hours of meal intake, this habit needs to be stopped. Increase the interval.
When you sleep, elevating the head side of the bed at least 8 inches would be a good addition to the plan to combat GERD.
Bending and stooping and upside down hangings with all other unnatural postures need to be avoided.
If the above mentioned precautions are not enough to get you out of the trouble then you need to opt for medicines. Never try to self medicate yourself. Remember every drug is a poison and every poison is a drug. SO seek the gastroenterologist or primary care provider for this and let it be there business. Proton Pump Inhibitors, Histamine receptors type 2 blockers, Pro kinetic agents like aluminium hydroxide and ant acids would be the list of medicines to opt from.
If the medicines are not good enough? If the age is too young to be that resilient for response then there might be a possibility of some correction able anatomy the place where surgeon’s role comes in to play.
Different surgical options like fundoplication are used. Young age, compliance issues with intake of medicines and postmenopausal age with osteoporosis, Heart diseases and any other gusto intestinal issue like Barrett’s oesophagus or hiatal hernia makes the odds for surgical intervention more likely.
I hope it helps.Take good care of yourself and dont forget to close the discussion please.
may the odds be ever in your favour.
No worries ,stress plays a role,
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Thank you for getting back to me
i appreciate the feedback. Now the stress, so yes it plays its role. Stress compromises gut functions and that causes and may cause the GERD symptoms to worsen.
get some Antacids and do as directed. wont be a problem.
I hope it helps. Good luck