Suggest Treatment For Rashes Around Neck With Conjunctibitis
Rashes indicate allergy or viral infection.
Detailed Answer:
Hello Madam,
Welcome to Health care magic
Iam Dr. Dadapeer K, an ophthalmologist and I answer health problems related to eye.
It seems from the history that you are having conjunctivitis with rashes around the neck.
If you are having redness, watering and discharge from one or both the eyes, it confirms the diagnosis and treatment is by use of antibiotic eye drops.
The rashes over neck in association with conjunctivitis can be seen in cases of viral conjunctivitis. Though these rashes are common in children even in adults it is seen. The other cause for rashes can be as a result of allergy as you have mentioned about allergic rashes in the past. For both of them antihistamine drugs are sufficient.
Hence no need to worry about the rashes with antihistamine drugs they will decrease. The conjunctivitis will decrease with treatment by antibiotic eye drops over 3-5 days.
Hope the information is helpful to you.
Thank you