Suggest Treatment For Recurrent Candidiasis And Bacterial Vaginosis
I also have PCOS, do you think that might play a role in this problem?
recurrent candidiasis and Bacterial vaginosis.
Detailed Answer:
thanks for the query to HCM,
It appears that the treatment that you undertake for yeast and bacterial vaginosis is only for 2-3 days and not the complete course for 7 days.
You must use oral fluconazole tab 150mg once a week for 3 weeks and also vaginal anti fungal and antibacterial pessary ( clotromazole+ clindamycin) daily at night before sleeping for at least 7 days.
It is very important that your partner should also be treated along with you so that co transmission is prevented and reinfection doesn't occur from him when you are treated.
Another very important fact is that you are to avoid intercourse during the course of treatment completely.
PCOS is not related to these infections in any way. Please take a complete course for a week at least.
Sometimes after we have intercourse he say his pee stinks and very yellow. Could it be possible that our chemical do match together?
He has been treated before, we both have. Is it possible that our chemical don't mix well together
Detailed Answer:
Th only possible answer for contracting it again without resorting to intercourse is that there has been incomplete treatment foe candida and BV even for 7 days and you possibly require a longer course of medication. Because as soon as you stop , in 2 days if it regrows, there is a definite element of inadequate treatment. yOU need to get a high vaginal swab culture done to isolate clue cells and fungal spores to well establish the diagnosis of remnant disease after the course of medication.
Unfortunately there is no other treatment modality available besides these medications. However on the home front you may use apple cider vinegar diluted in water for vaginal washes thrice a day which can prevent further growth of fungus and bacteria.